His cleansing Fire, is the Fire of His passion that burns within us. We can learn to have peace...
Cyndi Foster explains how to count our trials as joy.
Dead Fish Story Applied to the Church Through Two-Way Journaling - by Donna Trent
Scriptural Confessions Compared to Mind Over Matter Philosophy
Is There More Sin in the Church Today than in New Testament Times?
Now That Fear Is Broken I Can Experience God
How to release healing power
Angels: Fanning the Flame
“If you’ve run with the footman and he hath wearied thee (Jer.12:5)…” If you can’t handle things...
A Prophetic Word by Apostle Doctor Robin Harfouche
Bible Meditation on Galatians 3:27
Catholics Being Transformed by the Voice of God
The Sweetness of Knowing Him – Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
There is an awakening to the fact that without women we are missing 60-65% of the ranks of...
I sleep, but my heart is awake; it is the voice of my beloved! He knocks, saying, “ Open for...
Confessions Which Allow Me to Live Naturally Supernatural
I had suffered with Bulimia for 30 years
Gifts of Healings
The Movie “Come Out in Jesus Name”
Destruction and chaos
Forget the Past And Let Your Light Shine - Two-Way Journaling by Charles Cooper
Make Quarantine an Amazing Time of Personal Spiritual Transformation Through eLearning
A Healing Vision Showing the Power of the Cross by Cindy Fiebig
Are You One of the Majority of People Who Worry about Financial Issues?
Jesus asks, "Are you watching for those that feel unworthy and unloved?"
God speaks about the importance of journaling by Cathy Kawar