Author: Mark Virkler
I define inner healing as "allowing God to replace the pictures in the art gallery of our minds, removing pictures that do not have Jesus in them, and replacing them with pictures that do." Below, LaWanda shares two inner healing encounters which set her free and gave her life!
After I attempted suicide in 1996, the spirit of suicide did not leave me. It hung around for 14 years. I didn't want to actually do it, but the thought of doing it would easily arise any time my shame was triggered. It wasn't until one day about 13 years ago that I cried out to the Lord and said, "I just can't do this anymore." I saw myself put this ugly ball of shame and guilt and depression at the foot of the Cross. The next thing that I saw was the hand of Jesus reach down and pick it up. And I have been free of the spirit of suicide ever since!!!!! After watching Session 8 of Prayers That Heal the Heart on Inner Healing, I realized that I replaced that old painful picture with the one of Jesus setting me free! I love it!!!
One other quick story that God revealed to me as I was watching Session 8... People cannot believe how I have walked through Mike's death with such joy and peace. I know it is because of the time that I have spent in the secret place with Him and, specifically, hearing His voice through Journaling Prayer.
Mike had metastatic melanoma in his lungs and his brain. In Journaling Prayer Jesus allowed me to see Mike walking toward the finish line with angels singing on either side and Jesus with open arms and a big smile. I didn't realize it at the time, but I replaced the painful picture that was staring me in the face with a beautiful one that was the truth of the situation. This is a perfect example of replacing a horrible, painful picture with a glorious one! Jesus has said that because of our communion, there is no room for grief to abide in my heart, meaning that it cannot "set up shop" there. I will have moments of grief, for sure, but it will not overwhelm or devastate me. Replacing that picture is what is allowing me to do the ministry I am currently doing now.
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