We shall occupy not by might, not by power, but by the spirit.
Wherever our feet walk, wherever our prayers talk, the Spirit of the Lord will manifest His presence in unlimited fashion upon you.
In a new way, says the spirit of God, it’s a new day, says the spirit of God
Oh yes, and our eyes will behold together the Glory, the Might, and the Arm of our Father.
Those in places of power that will not cooperate this very hour,
I have dispatched angels to begin the removing process.
Those who will hear my word and uphold My book, the Bible – My Word, My will.
I will promote, and the law of the land shall change hands.
The law of the land shall again be based on my command,
And America will not go down like the rest of the World,
but America will go up in a flame of Holy Ghost revival.
It will reach into the school systems, it will reach into the taxation process for my people, says the Spirit of angel armies – the Lord of hosts – have been taxed the most, and have given much but this will change and on you my glory will remain,
From this day forward everyone who has taken a step in my direction, and who has turned their eyes towards me, and opened their ears to hear and see, promotion has come to you.
A thousand will fall at one side and ten thousand at the other but it will not be accessible to you.
In my secret place, you will dwell, and with your eyes, you will see the reward of the wicked.
Do not be dismayed and do not come out of the secret place,
For it is my will, says the Spirit of God, that changes will be made.
On this day, you prayed, and on this day, I’ve heard, and on this day, My word..
Shall determine the outcome of things to come.
Do not allow the spirit of fear to come near and do not look to the future with dismay because this is my day.
Everything that was built upon me shall stand and everything else shall sink in sand, but the rock, the foundation of this land, has been firmly planted and on that rock you stand.
There is no man that can stand before me because I will not lie says the Spirit of the Most High.
There is no power that can stand in my way because I have determined that this is my day.
And America belongs to me and the reason you shall see.
The future only holds glory, hope and wealth; prosperity shall rule this land!
Even the weakest shall hold in his hand all that is needed.
My people shall grow in their capacity to contain business once again shall, gain and gain and gain.
And the things you own, says the Spirit of God, because I have given you, because you have been faithful in my covenant, those I will multiply five to ten times.
And you will see shortly the head cut off the snake, for it is my time.
The Earth shall be filled with glory as the waters cover the sea, and my creative, miraculous power people and nations shall see, and they will drop their pagan ways and their idol worship, and tug on your coat tail and say “take me to the place where I can find your God”.
America is mine, says the Spirit of God and even though she has not come into the fullness of perfection, she still is within my hand.
And don’t believe those who make a living by speaking vain words and try to bring confusion, fear, and division among the church.
Stay planted firmly on the rock of my foundation, seek me and my kingdom
and America will always be a Holy Nation.
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