Author: Kirsten Himmelberg
I use any worship or soaking music that “speaks” to me. I need to “like” it. I don’t think it matters what a person uses as long as they like it and it worships the King rather than your wounds and problems. Some worship music seems to be more geared to issues people face rather than the Lord and I avoid them because they weigh me down. If I don’t like it when the volume is up, my spirit doesn’t seem to like it in the subliminal volume (barely audible) either and I get agitated. I have downloaded tunes I like on my iPod for when I am out. I have also used tunes off of YouTube. I avoid tunes that sing about the wounds we get as I do not want to worship my wounds but worship the King. I like stuff like the Elevation worship links.
Another thing I have done is if I am facing a major difficult issue and need the message of a particular song to “dwell” in me I will put it on my iPod and play it subliminally for over 24 hours listening to only that song. For example, Flawless is one outstanding example.
I have used the same song for several days. I find that when I do that, when I turn it off I can feel my body continuing to play it even though it is off. This is because I needed the message in me and it feels really good. Since I had the need for major changes in renewing my mind and and learning to think about things that are good and true, this was very beneficial.
I have also used frequencies for healing, sleep and such. I used frequency tunes from Wholetones. He works with Jordon Reuben who plays these frequencies over the plants he grows to make supplements. I have not yet explored solfeggio tunes because I want to know they are Christ-centered, but I know they are out there.
If I need to encourage myself in the Lord I use Graham Cooke soaking meditations. They are like the River of Life which I love.
If I am in a warfare state I subliminally play Cindy Trimm Atomic Power of Prayer, which is on YouTube, over me as I sleep. I let it play at the quietest volume I can handle and sleep through. There are a few other warfare prayers I have played over me while sleeping.
I have also frequently and successfully played the Psalms and Proverbs free from You-version over myself as I sleep. Playing the Word over me seems to be as effective as worship music and I sometimes do it while I am sleeping and use other tunes during the day. Often, I can fall asleep better and get better sleep with this playing and wake up in better spirits. If the sound annoys me, I turn it down so I can’t hear it much and play it subliminally.
Falling asleep and staying asleep have been big issues for me. I find that what I engage in before I sleep and what I play over myself subliminally will affect my sleep and attitude when I wake, and using something is much better than nothing. But what works one day might not work another. For example, for warfare I need Cindy Trimm. For encouragement I need Graham Cooke. Sometimes I want the Word. Sometimes I want frequencies, and worship music is a standard that almost always works. But if I am in warfare I need warfare stuff rather than other stuff. I am not a big one for soaking music that has no words. My mind is not renewed enough that I can let it wander on its own. I need it directed with words, though recently I have successfully used frequencies without the words. I can use worship music without words only if I know the tune so well that my brain will fill in the words and let the tune direct me to the heavenly thought process.
Now that I am an avid flagger, I find that if I want to sleep I can’t use my favorite flagging tunes or Scriptures I am trying to engage and step into to fall asleep because I want to “get up” and start flagging and engaging, so those particular tunes are too active for me to use when trying to fall asleep.
We also did a blog called Worship Is my Warfare and it talked about using worship music in a house 24/7 where I said how I use worship music to soak rooms and houses. To me when I walk into a room that has been soaked in worship music there is a different feel in it. Sort of like the feel when you walk into a cathedral. Just like when I am using subliminal worship music it feels like I can feel it in the waters of my body.
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