Saved by Supernatural Guardians
Testimony Time!
NEW Weekend Seminar! Prophetic Healing Protocols
Look UP and Be Filled with Joy and Hope by Eric McCracken
The answers are in the House! Your miracle is in the House! Your resurrection is in the House!...
Recalibration Requirements, easily distracted in our Christian lives we can forget who we really...
Why Did the Vision of Jesus Get Dark? Journaling by Pam Russell
God's truths replace satans lies
What Is the BEST Marriage Counseling?
"Come, my beloved, let us GO forth into the field; let us lodge in the villages. . . there...
Encouraging Message from Dr. Barbie Breathitt
God-Given Passions Are a Key to Achieving God-Ordained Victories
T. D. Jakes Explains Racial Issues in a Way I've Never Heard Them
Two way journaling
I Had A Dream Last Night
It is comforting to know that God knew each of us by name before we ever existed in this earthly...
The time has come for you and I, as the global house of God, to hear the word of His prophetic...
seminar report
Prophetic Teaching by Dr. Barbie Breathitt
Margaret Cornell Shares Her Testimony of Healing From Cancer
In July I had a vision of sitting at a desk and then suddenly out of nowhere it was full of...
Teaching Children the 4 Keys Transforms Families by Shelli Brown
Angels Have Been Sent and Walls ARE Going to Fall by Malachi Talabi
Cyndi Foster explains how to take steps towards forgiveness of those who have deeply wounded us.
Positional Prayers of Forgiveness, Victory, Thankfulness and Rejoicing Attract Miracles
Do you feel stuck in some area of your life? Maybe you’ve tried to break free or overcome, but...