Author: Bart Hadaway 1 Like
Our loving FATHER will see us through to victory in EVERY area of our lives--so KEEP ON FIGHTING!"
by Bart Hadaway
"But truly, as I live, the whole earth shall be filled with the Glory of the Lord." Numbers 14:21
God's people are experiencing spiritual warfare in increasing measure in these days. Everywhere I go, I meet those who say that the warfare is intensifying. Personal assaults, attacks on our families, on our ministries, relationships, and almost every area of our lives are increasing. I meet people who are battling hopelessness, despair, and at times "feel like" giving up because they are becoming weary.
One of the reasons for this is that our adversary knows his final fate. He certainly knows now, more than ever, his time is short. But, I believe a bigger reason is that the Body of Christ has been in an intense season of contending for the purposes of God and the manifestation of the Kingdom of God to come to earth.
The truth is, we in the western culture are beginning to see the fruit of this and increasing manifestations of the King and His Kingdom. I want to say to each one of you, keep on fighting! I believe that the Lord has shown me a strategy of the enemy. He is doing all he can to get us to focus on our personal issues in order to distract us and keep us from the higher purposes of God. Our loving Father will see us through to victory in every area of our lives. But, we must remember, He has promised that "truly as I live, all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord!" If we allow the enemy to consume us with our own personal problems, we will miss much of what the Lord is doing in these days. That does not mean we should forget our problems. It's just that we cannot become consumed by them.
There is nothing the enemy can do that will stop our God from fulfilling His promise to cover the earth with the knowledge of the Lord. Let's purpose in our hearts that the enemy will not stop us from being a part of that promise!
The book of Nehemiah is a perfect picture of what the Body of Christ is experiencing today. The people possessed a mandate from God and were on a mission to see the purposes of God fulfilled in their midst. They were in the process of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. Their enemies were hitting them with fear, intimidation, and accusation (sound familiar?). I encourage you to read and meditate on the whole book of Nehemiah, but especially chapter four. Let me highlight a few verses:
1 - The enemies were furious
2 - Who do they think they are? Can they really accomplish anything?
3 - Nothing they do will last
4-6 - Prayer, steadfastness, and determination of God's people
7-8 - More anger and regrouping by the enemy (he is persistent!)
10 - The despair and discouragement of God's people; there are
too many obstacles
11-12 - More scheming and threats by the enemy
13-14 - Rallying and strategizing of God's people; "Do not be afraid of them! Remember the Lord, great and awesome!" Fight!!!!! Fight for your brethren, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your houses
Precious saints, we will be victorious! Just as the people of God finished the wall miraculously in fifty-two days, we will see more and more of the miraculous of our God working with, in, and through us.
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