Author: Mike Bastien
Satan is a thief who comes to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10). Facing surgery next Monday for the diagnosis of bladder cancer…much fear, doubt, pictures of my death, the laughter of others who have spoken evil things about me flash through my mind. I recognize them all from satan, the accuser, liar and thief. I renounce and rebuke demons of self pity, fear, doubt and unbelief.
I turn my eyes to Jesus and see Jesus coming to me and wrapping His arms of love around me. I then present my bladder to Jesus and then see Him blowing on it and it is cleansed of all sickness and death. He breathes into my bladder the breath of life. While still holding my bladder, Jesus laughs and laughs and then places it back in me. (Scripture comes to my mind… I look it up…He that sits in the heavens shall laugh. Why do the nations rage and the people plot a vain thing?...and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord, against His anointed saying, let us break their bonds in pieces and cast away their cords from us…HE WHO SITS IN THE HEAVENS SHALL LAUGH, the Lord shall have them in derision. Then He shall speak to them in His wrath and distress them in His deep displeasure.)
Jesus then looks at me and says, in My breath of life and my laughter I have scattered your enemies, because your enemies are My enemies. They may plot against you, they may rage and take counsel against you, but they are doing that against Me. I take their plots and counsel for destruction and blast it into non-existence. I speak to their weak and deceitful attempts and break them into pieces. By My simple breath and laughter, it all falls. I then decree my faithfulness to you, My son. I rise up in my jealousy and wrath and blow them away and then turn to you, My son, and give you the nations for your inheritance and the ends of the earth for your possession. All that I have is yours.
Nothing can stand before Me; all will melt away in My presence to those that put their trust in Me, to those that walk with Me and hear My voice.
I love walking with you, son. It is so much fun. I love when you delight in Me and when I delight in you. When I see you trusting in Me, My heart is overwhelmed and overflowing with the abundance of My kingdom. You are my son Michael, and I am well pleased. You bring such joy to My heart. Do not shy away from Me, especially during these times. Run to Me. Set aside all the fears, and doubts that bombard your mind. Set aside the devilish persuasion that whispers you are doomed. You are an outcast. You are unfit. Your end will be dark and be one of defeat. Remember My words to you. Remember Me and My overwhelming compassion that I have for you. Remember, your life will end in grace and we have so many more years together on this earth and so many more things to experience together. Be still, let go, cease striving and relax and then you will experience Me every time.
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