Suicide Averted Through a Vision, Compassion and Intercessory Prayer
Two Way Journaling
As co-heirs of Jesus we are exhorted to stir up the gifts of God within us, (2 Timothy 1:6) and...
The Dream I Had in Rehab
My Tribute to Dr. Yonggi Cho
How to Move from Judgment to Compassion
YOU Can Stay Healthy! Know How!
Pray in the Spirit - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
When Jesus Could NOT Do Miracles (But Could Still Do Therapeutic Cures)
Two way journaling
God’s wisdom to wash using running water - lost, rediscovered, resisted
Make Quarantine an Amazing Time of Personal Spiritual Transformation Through eLearning
A blood covenant was between 2 people or groups, and the purpose was to exchange strengths for...
our obedience is not legalism, it is our loving response to God\'s grace. Jesus call for us...
Learning from great Christians in history
How to move in power
South African Pastor Embraces 4 Keys and Sees Miraculous Growth - by Dr. Don Paprocky
News and Request for Some Stories from You
Discussion on the power and value of modern-day encounters with Him.
What Angels Are Doing Around the World Right Now
Freedom from curses
Christmas & the Dreams That Saved Jesus’ Life
Proverbs 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat...
A Silver Lining of Scary Dreams
At His Feet – Journaling Prayer by LaWanda