time for Repentance, heart cleansing, important, takes away any ground from satan, gives us an...
The kingdom of God is, righteousness, peace and JOY in the HOLY SPIRIT, when we have joy in God...
What If I Remember TOO Many Dreams?
I Am Still The Light!
Resources Providing Direction, Insight And Faith - Weekend Roundup Sept. 5 2021
Prophetic Prayer Releases Kingdom Promises
As predicted and prophesied in Spring, the Summer would bring tremendous turmoil and it has...
Which Is the Most Accurate Bible Translation to Meditate On?
Is.55:5 Focus; Four 7-Year periods; 4 Winds of Worship that will Double You.
We didn’t choose to live in the season we are in. In spite of the challenges we are now facing,...
But, you can go back 20 years to a word the Lord gave you and if it has not come to pass as of...
Wise Information Plus Action Removes Anxiety
Is It OK to Continue to Dance with Jesus When So Much Evil Exists?
Bible Meditation on the River Within - by Lieve
"I restore the crushed spirit of the humble and revive the courage of those with repentant...
Under What Conditions Would I Seek Out the Counsel of Spiritual Advisors?
Many in the Body of Christ are currently experiencing this spiritual metamorphosis, cocoon of...
Worshiping Angels
Choose to Be a Blesser Rather Than a Converter
I Am Confused Over WHO Rules
Prophetic word for 2024
Anger Fueled by Judgment - My Dream
The Secret to Solomon’s Wisdom – A Listening Heart
What Is the Truth?
Your Extraordinary Life Wallpaper - A Free Download
Once you know the pattern, things are easy
Soul Winning Simplified