STAY FILLED with the Spirit by Singing and Making Melody in Your Heart
Does Heart Surgery Cause the Heart to Pick Up a Spirit of Fear?
angelic encounter
God’s Compassion Accomplishes All This?
what’s lacking today in the church, why we’re not moving more aggressively into the miraculous...
Barbara and Abigail Share Their Testimonies of Being Baptized in the Holy Spirit
Desire the Fire
Healing Prayer
God has NO equal, so be at peace.
explore the depths of the glorious riches in Christ, especially in times where the U.S. dollar...
Bringing the voice of God to business
If there is anything that this world needs today, it is to see the Church living and walking in...
A Prophetic word through Patricia King
Honor people better
Angel Diaries: Daniel 10
The Sweetness of Knowing Him – Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
two way journaling
entering into a new decade, soon, 2010 and over the next decade, rising up in glory together,...
Two way journaling
Let My Spirit Break the Stronghold of Poverty – Journaling by Ken Day
What If I Remember TOO Many Dreams?
Confessions Which Allow Me to Live Naturally Supernatural
Celebrate LIFE
But today I remind you, and revive you, and awaken you, and lift you and elevate you to the fact...
How to Activate Angels in Your City
Weekend Round-up - Items That Caught My Interest During Week of 8/8/21
Angel of Light?