Prophetic Word through Patricia King
February 2011
This is a year of transition. Transitions often are remarkable, wonderful, and glorious, once you are through them. Recently I was helping a friend process some things regarding a transition season they were currently experiencing. The Lord gave me a clear word for her: “You are in a process of metamorphosis”.
Many are experiencing spiritual metamorphosis
Over the next 24 hours I received a word of knowledge that many in the Body are currently experiencing this spiritual metamorphosis. The proverbial example used to describe this process is that of the caterpillar in its cocoon. It enters the cocoon as a caterpillar but exits a butterfly. It is a brand new creature when the process is completed. Everything about it is different. It enters as a crawling creature that consumes and destroys plants and exits a graceful butterfly that deposits life-giving pollen granting plants and trees reproduction and fruitfulness. The metamorphosis transformed a consumer into a producer of life and beauty.
Liquefied and Disintegrated
During the transition in the cocoon, the caterpillar literally liquefies. I have heard that everything about its old nature dissolves and all that is left are its eyes. This liquefied form with eyes is truly at the mercy of God for it cannot stop or reverse the process and neither can it accelerate it. In the cocoon, the old disintegrates and the new takes form and shape. When the process is complete, it breaks out of the cocoon and emerges as a beautiful creature symbolizing freedom and new life.
Are you trapped in the cocoon of change?
Are you feeling like you’re being liquefied and trapped in a cocoon of change? Do you feel transition all around you and wonder who you are in this season? Do you feel that you cannot go back to where you were yet you do not know where you are going? Guess what? You are in the glorious season of being “metamorphosized”.
Receive the grace of God to endure the process … and you might as well choose to be happy as you are going through it too. That will help tremendously! When you are feeling lifeless and without form, substance, or hope, think about the glorious future you will experience when the process is completed. You are going to be absolutely amazed when you see the end product: new perspectives, new strength, new ease, new realms of freedom, and new opportunities. Trust Jesus who is the author and finisher of your faith. He has you in His grip and will not let go. It is all good and the end result will be amazing if you trust Him.
A glorious outcome
Many individuals as well as churches and businesses are going to go through this process this year. Oh, how wonderful the outcome is going to be for you. Look forward to a glorious future… and rejoice, for very soon you will be fully and gloriously “metamorphasized.”
Praise Him and set your EYES on Him! His eyes are on you!
“Beloved, now we are the children of God, and it has not appeared as yet what we will be. We know that when He appears, we will be like Him, because we will see Him just as He is.” 1 John 3:2 NASB
Suggested Resource: In The Zone
For more teaching and resource from Patricia King
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