Author: Mark Virkler
People told me, "You can't teach people HOW to hear God's voice. It is different for each person." I have chosen to reject those ideas. Right-brainers despise steps (a set of rules). Left-brainers worship steps. Both are wrong. God has given us patterns (steps) that we can walk through, asking the Holy Spirit to meet, anoint, and empower us in each step. Below are biblical patterns (steps) that draw us into living encounters with Almighty God. Begin with the first pattern below and then work down through each of the other patterns.
The Pattern God Gave to Moses for Entering into His Presence
God provided the tabernacle as a pattern, shadow, and copy of the approach we are to use as we come into His presence (Heb. 8:5). Chapters 8 through 12 of Hebrews describe this heavenly pattern. I encourage you to read these five chapters now, especially if you need to come into His presence to receive His healing touch. In this pattern, we stop at six pieces of furniture as we prepare ourselves to stand before Him in the Holy of Holies. Here is a short listing of what these six pieces of furniture are and the experiences we are to have. They are condensed from chapter 10 of the book 4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice.
I Am Living the Tabernacle Experience (Heb. 8-12)
- Altar — I have laid down my self-initiated lifestyle (my ideas, self-effort and strength)
- Laver — I am being cleansed by meditating upon Scriptures
- Shewbread — My will is ground fine so I can love and honor all people
- Lampstand — I have switched from reasoning on my own to Spirit-led reasoning
- Incense — I come into God's presence through worship
- Ark — I gaze upon God’s radiant glory, becoming a reflection of the One I gaze upon
I am applying the Tuning Dial of Habakkuk 2:1-3 – The 4 Keys for Hearing God’s Voice
- Stillness - I have quieted my thoughts and emotions
- Vision - I gaze upon Jesus, the One Who is always with me
- Flow - I am tuned to His River within (Flowing: pictures, thoughts, emotions, and power)
- Journaling - I record what God is revealing to me
I Am Applying the Fine-Tuning Dial of Hebrews 10:19-22
- Sincere heart - My heart is true, honest and sincere
- Full assurance of faith - I believe I hear God’s voice and He is faithful to His word
- Clean conscience - I am clean before God through Christ's cleansing blood which washed away my sin
- Obedience to what God has spoken - I have been obedient to what God is asking me to do
I Confirm What God Has Already Spoken
- It lines up with Scripture, the character of God, and the names of Jesus
- My two or three spiritual advisors' hearts confirm it is from God
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