Author: Mark Virkler
We confess: Lord, You have placed within me a hunger for Truth (2 Thess. 2:10). The Truth sets me free (Jn. 8:32). I fear God, love Truth, and hate dishonest gain (Ex. 18:21). I will lead in the area God has assigned me to.
What is your assignment in this battle? Are you active in it? One of my assignments is to be a teacher who shares life-giving truths, which I do below.
We have been waiting for God to pour out and He has been waiting for the Church to rise up!
Fear Porn
The constant lies propagated by traditional news media and the CDC are nothing more than fear porn released daily and it has opened people up to a spirit of deception.
God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false (2 Thess. 2:11; 1 Kings 22:22).
As you read through links in this blog, you will be presented with a countering worldview.
Prophetic word from Malachi Talabi - “It’s the last quarter”
When I believe God told me that this September is the last quarter, it made sense. I had been seeing license plates with 4 4 4 on them, not knowing the meaning. Well, now I know that they are in reference to the quarters that the Lord has split my year into. He said this is the last quarter (just like in a basketball game). The last lap of the year
The time that every goal that you haven’t fulfilled you need to go for. You need to be sprinting to the finish. You need to plan and refocus and push! You need to press towards the mark so that in December you can truly say IT IS FINISHED and you can look back with Joy!
God wants us to walk out of 2021 with VICTORY! But the last push starts now.
This is also a Sarah season: A few days ago, while praying in tongues the name “Sarah” popped out of my mouth in English. I went to the Bible and read up on Sarah. She was barren for a season but then she gave birth! This is September and it’s the 9th month. Nine months represents a time of birthing things that you have been carrying, a time to push out what God has put in, a time to manifest. I am excited about birthing the things God has put in my spirit!
Powerful links to news you need to know
- Flashpoint: Stopping the Enemy’s Plan
- Flashpoint: God has an answer
- US Marine Resigns, gives up his financial security in order to express truth - we must be willing to give up everything for Truth
- Mario Murillo's message in Batavia
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