Author: Ivey Rorie
Lord, what do You want to speak to me concerning the steps You want me to take to come to truth?
The search for all truth must begin from within. You know that as you seek truth, its twin sister is acceptance. Therefore, you must begin with a heart that is set on receiving truth. Truth has no value until it is accepted and embraced.
Your way to truth has always been soul-searching and reading the Bible. As you read, you question and ponder. That is meditation and that is a way much truth arises. You may read books and watch videos, but it is only the truth you know; the truth you accept which will set you free.
Pontius Pilate said, what is truth? You have yours; I have mine. He was right. Jesus was the absolute truth and was standing right before him, but it was of no use to him.
The absolute truth that Jesus is the Messiah is doing no good to most Jews. So, what is truth, Ivey? It is that revelation that your heart is able to assimilate.
Father, how do You wish me to pursue and assimilate these truths?
Ivey, your model is so well established. You know what works for you. When you read your Bible you hear My voice better than at any other time. Is this not true? I would like to see you go back to journaling more scriptures. Then, step three, pray in tongues over that scripture or passage and ask Holy Spirit to enlighten your heart and mind to the truths within.
Father, what about other kinds of truth; that which is not inherently Bible-based?
What tools do you have and usually use? We could journal more. You can hear Me without journaling, yes, but journaling slows you down so that you hear more. You give Me more of your quiet mental space to speak into. So, in order to discern truth, I wish for you to journal more.
You have to allow people to come to their own realization in their own time. That is okay. You are so resolved in some areas, those areas being so clear that you find it hard for people not to see the truth as plainly as you do. Guess what, there is grace for that. There are other areas where your enlightenment has not reached its potential.
Let Me say too, Ivey, that praise will always lead your heart into openness so that you can receive what I have to show you. When you don’t agree with what you think you hear from Me, tell Me about it. I truly do like how you believe that I am a God and Father who is not intimidated by doubts and arguments. If you don’t understand a thing or don’t agree, then it is of no use to you. Therefore, it is of no use to our relationship. The truth I share with you must find a seat in the chambers of your heart before it becomes your truth. Argue your case before Me, stand your ground; just do it with Me. That is all that matters. As long as you are bringing everything before Me, we will always arrive at truth.
You have always sought truth even at the risk of personal pain. It can be a challenging process to seek truth. Prepare your heart to hear, see what the Word has to say, ask Me to illuminate what you think you see, and pray in tongues allowing the Spirit to speak to you the great mysteries.
Thanks Dad.
Ivey Rorie
- The gospel of John: Jesus discusses how we discover truth
- The Art of Biblical Meditation
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