Author: Mark Virkler
It is heart-breaking when the church teaches lies that keep God’s children from hearing His voice. Jesus encountered religious leaders in His time, hindering believers from coming to God. It is still being experienced today. God’s warning about damaging one's faith is exceedingly strict (Matt. 18:6).
The story below is from Ruth Morgan
The Lord led me so gently into two-way journaling. Nine months ago I tried it and when I look back it was the Lord speaking since He showed me then that He was sending His rain on me but I had an umbrella up. That umbrella was fear since I had heard somewhere that any being you met in your ‘imagination’ would be demonic or just of your own making. So I stopped journaling.
When I saw the sessions on dreams I was compelled by the weight of biblical teaching and thought I could hear God that way and avoid having to picture Jesus! I was stunned by how the Lord was speaking to me in dreams and turning around situations I thought were impossible so I jumped in with both feet, went to Charity Virkler Kayembe’s presentation about angels (another one I had been avoiding!) where I was pretty much compelled to meet Jesus, had a powerful emotionally healing vision, signed up for more courses and realized I couldn't proceed without fully embracing two-way journaling.
My second attempt at journaling
Are we good, Lord?
Come with Me, I want to show you something. Do you see all these broken-down houses? Most of them have no windows and they are all boarded up?
Yes, I see them, Lord.
That is the lives of so many of My children.
That shocks me to hear that, Lord. I thought they were probably the lives of people who don't know You.
No, they are My children.
Then why are they living like this?
It’s all they know, and they take comfort in the fact that their neighbors' houses look just like theirs.
So what are You going to do about it?
Well, I was hoping you could show them the field where we danced and take them to the river where I held you close and where you played in the water and met your angels.
Will they come with me, the people I mean?
Some of them will, the most crippled and lame, the most thirsty.
Will You help me get them there?
Yes, we will do it together.
Will You refresh them as you did me?
Yes, I promised I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh and I keep My promises.
Reflections from Mark Virkler
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