Author: Charity Virkler Kayembe
“Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them!”
Then Elisha prayed, “O Lord, open his eyes that he may see.”
And the Lord opened the young man’s eyes and he saw: the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.
(2 Kings 6:17)
I love receiving testimonies of God’s supernatural realm breaking into our world through dreams and angels and this next story is a favorite because it involves both!
A grandmother attended one of our sessions in Southland, New Zealand and received profound revelation for her 5-year-old granddaughter’s waking life fears and anxieties through a dream.
I know you will be touched by how God used His angels to cheer on His little girl… and change her life.
Hi Charity, I want to tell you how profoundly your teaching and your book has touched me. I was at Invercargill Christian Centre to hear your night service message. Our pastor at the daughter church, Winton CC, had encouraged us to go and, full of skepticism, I was obedient to what I knew was as close to a command as Pastor Stephen was going to give.
The words you spoke resonated and embedded themselves deep inside me. I bought your book and that very first night instructed my heart to be ready to hear from God…and I did! Since then I have had dreams nearly every night and they have helped us through a huge challenge on our marriage as well as countless other personal situations.
The most powerful dream, however, I believe will impact for generations to come. It is about our little granddaughter who at five years old puts huge pressure on herself to learn and excel. She has found school increasingly challenging and becomes distressed that she may not be able to learn well enough.
God showed me in a dream that when she started to feel fearful and wanted to cry, to shut her eyes and look inside herself. She would see that God had her surrounded by angels all encouraging her on, clapping and cheering at what she was doing. I told my daughter about the dream and at the end of vacation time when Sarah was getting worked up about school, Ruth told her the dream I had for her.
The next day when Sarah got home from school her dad asked her how the day went.
Sarah replied, “It was great. When I got upset and wanted to cry I just shut my eyes and looked inside myself. I saw my angels and knew it was alright so I just carried on with my work, I didn’t even cry.”
Sarah trotted off to play….
God ministered to me, and then tangibly to the next two generations, providing a vital key to dealing with Sarah’s fears, something that had been concerning all of us. The far-reaching result of hearing one message at church one night stuns me, as does my gratitude for the new world that God has opened.
Now when I have a night without a dream I feel a bit like my best friend has gone on holiday, I can’t wait to reconnect. Thank you, Charity, for your ministry and your work. My life is changed and stepped up to a whole new level.
Bless you, Karen
Want to learn more?
Daniel 2:13 says that “I was looking in the visions in my mind as I lay on my bed, and behold an angelic watcher, a holy one, descended from heaven…” Sarah does the same thing Daniel did: looks inside herself and sees angels. Indeed, the kingdom of heaven is within (Lk. 17:21 KJV).
I demonstrate how to guide your kids in seeing their guardian angels with them as one way to prevent nightmares in Session 9, Dreams Children Dream, of our DVD series. Jesus said the kingdom of God has come upon us, so let’s look to see this company of heaven and learn to do life together with them (Matt. 12:28)!
“See that you do not despise one of these little ones,
for I say to you that their angels in heaven continually see
the face of My Father who is in heaven.”
(Matthew 18:10)
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