Oh Great! According to National Averages My Life Is Essentially Over!
We need leaders so devoted to the Word of God and prayer that they work with God to fulfill His...
Input from a 5-fold team makes all the difference.
Tiffany Starts a Zoom Group on How to Hear God's Voice
Combining the Word and the Spirit
Patricia King shares twelve blessings and decrees for the coming year. Speak them forth and...
God Says I Am Healed Yet Symptoms Persist
Heightened Kingdom Emotions become channels for the release of the power of the Spirit...
From the book: Seed Truths-From Genesis to Revelation
Flagging Is a Way to Deepen Your Worship Experience by Adding Bodily Movement
12 ways God confirms your destiny
Initiative – Should I Take It?
Learning to Trust and Use the Eyes of Your Heart
Can you tell Him, Here I am Lord – Can you say to Him, You’ve found me, a willing vessel,...
generation facing issues, we don’t know how to enter in, But we can reach towards the heavens,...
Un capìtulo del libro Semillas de Verdad: Desde Génesis hasta Apocalipsis
Not only does God want to have a restored relationship with us, he wants us to have restored...
Introducing Ken and Sylvia Thornberg and Freedom Encounters
How to receive Christ as your Lord and Saviour
Word for Orlando
Waves of Compassion in an Ocean of Love
Transformation IS Occurring as We Arise Together and Declare He IS Lord of ALL
If I Add Whole-Brain Learning to Heart Revelation, What Do I Get?
God’s Hedge of Protection, If Unbroken, Keeps Me from Satan’s Attack Because I Have My Armor ON!
We are the bridge between conservative traditionalists who anchor their Christian life on a...
If God did not reveal Himself to us, we would never know Him at all. He is the self-revealing...
This past Friday I wrote my last line, placed my last piece of footage on my editing timeline, a...