What Is the Key Trait of a True Teacher?
Brokenness Healed Through Words of Knowledge
confess doubt in my generational line, unstable and has given me double-mindedness, pride in my...
Don’t Let Your House Be Blown Down In This Storm - BE FIERCE IN THE FRAY
God, What Is Stillness? Journaling by Peter Halvorsen
My Tribute to Dr. Yonggi Cho
the Kingdom of God is very vast, yet it is within the heart of the believer. We are called to...
Ketogenic Diet for Weight Loss and Health - Part 3 of 3
Praying in “One Accord”
Build a Prayer Wall Around Every Voting Location - A Rhema Word Through Michelle Kirby
Jesus is the revelation of the love of God on the planet. That love and the Word of His power...
What 365 Biblical References to Angels Reveal
Create Memorials Commemorating God’s Victory
Good Friday through Easter Sunday is an amazing time of year for Christians. As you position...
There is more than one way to pray, however, “If all you have is a hammer, then everything looks...
Kelly, Tim and Kirsten Share Their Testimonies of Being Baptized in the Holy Spirit
Look-Alike Angels
Dios Quiere Que Conozcas Su Corazòn
Dreams: God’s Contingency Plan
Satan's Passion to Steal God's Voice from Humanity
COLUMBINE STUDENT'S FATHER 12 YEARS LATER Darrell Scott address' the House Judiciary...
Peg Yarbrough's Spirit-Led Approach to Healing
How to Move from Judgment to Compassion
I Either LOVE the Truth or Am Under a Deluding Influence
You are always only one thought away from living the life of your dreams - one decision away...
The Power of Blessing - Part 2