by Patricia King
Prophetic Overview
The Lord has been highlighting Isaiah 60 and 1 Kings 10 for the last couple of months. He is looking for those who will lay hold of wisdom and wealth in order to establish His righteousness and justice in the nations. Great wisdom, wealth, favor, and life are available to anyone who will draw close to Him in this hour and lay hold of His promises. He is going to anoint many with the same wisdom and wealth He blessed Solomon with. He is looking for those who will seek Him for the outpouring of wealth.
The kingdoms of the world are being shaken but we are of a Kingdom that cannot be shaken. We belong to a Kingdom that is secure in God’s goodness for all eternity. A transference is manifesting in this hour on behalf of the just. You can be part of receiving greater measures of grace in this hour to advance His Kingdom of righteousness and justice in the earth.
There are orphans to be rescued and cared for, young girls need deliverance from the sex trade, the poor, the widows and the destitute need our immediate help and attention. It is time for Christ’s body in the earth to arise and shine, for our light has come. The glory and abundance of the Lord is being poured out right now. Let’s posture ourselves for it.
My new CD series, YOU ARE BLESSED, has two very dynamic and important messages:
- Wisdom and Wealth That Takes Your Breath Away
- Live in the Blessing Zone
These messages will change your life. They will change your financial status if you walk in the Word of the Lord. Order them today and meditate on the content until it is alive and becomes your “internal reality.” When that takes place, then it all manifests in the natural as well. Go for it and lock in.
To order You Are Blessed">click here.
The following prayer strategy will help birth you into a new level of blessing. Lock in!
30 – 60 – 90 Day Prayer and Decree Strategy
Pray and decree for 30 minutes per day for 30, 60, or 90 days starting June 1, 2009. If you desire to go the entire 90-day period, then you will continue until the end of August.
There are six segments in the Prayer Directives to pray and decree through for five minutes each.
Pray and decree for yourself, family, church, ministry or business every day.
Once a week, read through and meditate on all the Scripture Meditations and Promises listed below.
Get them into your spirit.
Within the 30 days (as soon as possible) listen at least once to my two new teachings –
1) Wisdom and Wealth That Takes Your Breath Away
2) Live in the Blessing Zone. Let these messages become an internal reality within you
Record/Journal any measurable results of increase.
Scripture Meditations and Promises
(read and meditate on these portions regularly and create a focus):
The book of Proverbs (especially the first 10 chapters); Isaiah 60 (entire chapter); 1 Kings 10 (entire chapter)
Key Scriptures: Proverbs 4:7; Proverbs 3:16; Proverbs 8:18
Wisdom is the principal thing (Proverbs 4:7). When you have wisdom you have “great life” (in her right hand) and great wealth and great favor (in her left hand) (Proverbs 3:16; Proverbs 8:18).
The following Scriptures contain all the elements of what we are believing for:
Proverbs 4:7 “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom; and with all thy getting get understanding.” KJV
Proverbs 3:16 “Long life is in her (wisdom’s) right hand; in her (wisdom’s) left hand are riches (wealth) and honor (abundance, glory, favor).” NAS (amplification – mine)
Proverbs 8:18 “Riches (wealth) and honor (abundance, glory, favor) are with me (wisdom), enduring wealth and righteousness.” NAS (amplification – mine)
Prayer Directives
(pray and decree 5 minutes a day into each directive, for a total of 30 minutes).
- Ask for an increase of great wisdom to fill your life, family, ministry and business according to Proverbs 4:7, James 3:17,18, James 1:5.
In Jesus’ name, I decree that Jesus Christ has been made Wisdom unto me. Because I invited the Spirit of Christ’s wisdom to fill me to overflowing, I am enriched in all things. The Spirit of Wisdom fills my mind, heart, soul and body. The Spirit of Wisdom empowers me and gives me understanding each and every day. The increase of wisdom is great in my life. I am blessed with wisdom and understanding. Wisdom guards my thoughts, my words and my ways. I listen for Wisdom to speak to me each day. My ear is attentive to Wisdom and I am obedient to Wisdom’s instruction. Wisdom gives me discretion and discernment in all my life’s choices. Wisdom inspires me and rules over my decisions in life. I love and cherish Wisdom. I eat and drink at Wisdom’s banqueting table. The wisdom I walk in and exercise is heavenly wisdom that is pure, peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering and without hypocrisy. The Wisdom that fills me daily produces the fruit of righteousness, peace and joy. - Ask for Wisdom to fill your mouth with creative and righteous words according to Proverbs 8:6–9, James 3.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I decree that the fruit of my mouth is righteous and blessed. Wisdom watches over and guards the words that I speak. Wisdom produces creative words within me that bring forth truth, life, and edification. Through Wisdom, I call forth those things that are not as though they are. With the power of Christ’s wisdom I command mountains to be removed. Like my Heavenly Father, I create with my words. Like Him, I say, “Let there be light” and light and life and blessing are made manifest. Through words of wisdom and faith I call forth blessing to come upon me and overtake me. Through words of wisdom and faith I create an awesome course of fruitfulness to walk in. I watch over my heart and mouth with all diligence, for with my heart I believe and with the words of my confession, it is sealed. Through the blood of the Lamb and the word of my testimony I overcome. The opening of my mouth produces right things and the words of my mouth are seasoned with grace, love and truth. I speak noble things that bring honor and glory to my King. My heart and my mouth are filled with wisdom and therefore I am blessed. - Ask for the fear of the Lord (reverence, awe and attention to God) to fill you, for it is the beginning of wisdom. Psalms 19:9; 25:14; 33:18; 34:7; 103:17; 111:10; Proverbs 9:10; 14:26,27.
I fear (reverence, honor and give primary attention to) God with all my heart, mind, and strength because of Wisdom’s instruction. I grow in the fear of the Lord and therefore receive insights into His secrets and mysteries. The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever, therefore I am filled with His purity. The angel of the Lord encamps around me because I fear the Lord. Angelic protection is fortified and increased in my life. Because I love wisdom and the fear of God, the eye of the Lord is upon me to watch over me in all my ways. In the fear of the Lord I have strong confidence and my children have refuge. His fear is a fountain of life to me. I choose the fear of the Lord in all my ways because it is the beginning of wisdom. I am filled with the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord and therefore grow in great wisdom, insight and understanding. - Ask for increased favor with God and with man. Psalm 5:12; 45:12; Proverbs 3:4; 8:35; 11:27.
I decree in Jesus’ name that I am blessed with the favor of the Lord. His favor is a shield and protection around me. I grow in favor every day with God and man. I am favored in everything I put my hands to and everywhere I go. The blessing of the Lord’s favor opens doors for me that no one can shut. I am blessed beyond measure because of the undeserved, unmerited favor of the Lord. I am constantly filled with goodness because the favor of the Lord blesses me. I have favor everywhere I go because I seek good and because I love wisdom. I am favored at home, in my church, in the work place, marketplace and everywhere I connect with people. The rich among the people entreat my favor. Those in authority favor me. I am favored in all my dealings because of the blessing of Christ over my life. - Ask for the blessing of the abundant life. John 10:10; Ephesians 1:3; 2 Peter 1:2–4; Proverbs 3:16
Jesus came that I would have life and have it abundantly. I have a full and abundant life in Him. The Father has chosen gladly to give me His Kingdom and all the blessings and promises in the Kingdom are mine in Christ Jesus. Every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places is mine. My life is great in Christ for He has given me everything that pertains to life and to godliness. He has given to me His great, precious and magnificent promises so that by them I can partake of the Divine nature. I enjoy a long full life that is filled with every good thing. As my days are so shall my strength be. Everything I put my hands to is filled with life. The words I speak are filled with life. Everything around me lives and prospers. Because I love wisdom, I have the long, full life that is in her right hand. - Ask for wealth. Proverbs 3:16; 8:18; Psalm 23:6; Genesis 1:28; Deuteronomy 8:18; Philippians 4:19
I love wisdom and therefore I am granted the wealth that is in her left hand. My God has given me the power to make wealth in order to establish His covenant. The blessing of wealth comes upon me and overtakes me. I am blessed with prosperity in all that I put my hands to. I am fruitful and I multiply. Goodness and mercy follows me all the days of my life. I sow into good ground and reap 30 – 60 – 100 fold return and am increased 1,000 fold more than I am now. The same measures of wisdom and wealth that were granted Solomon are available to me in Christ, and even beyond what Solomon received, because Jesus has gone to the Father. With the blessing of wealth I care for the poor, the widows, the orphans and the destitute. I receive the transference of wealth and decree that the wealth of the wicked is stored up for me. The windows of heaven are open over my life and the rain of God’s provision drenches me continuously. All my needs are met according to God’s riches in glory through Christ. I am blessed with great, ever-increasing wealth through the goodness and the promises of God.
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