By Cindy McGill
God is designing our paths. There are things being prepared for us that we have not seen yet. It has not been revealed. Our future days are full of hope, power, discernment and peace. He is the God of all hope and the God of all peace. When we can rest in His ability to guide us, we can stay in an attitude of peace and receive the revelation we need for the days ahead.
Our citizenship is in heaven. I used to picture my seat in heaven next to Jesus looked like a theater seat but now I think it’s a couch. It is the place to stretch out, knowing that He is in total control. He is able to do things in us and through us that we have absolutely no ability to do. Our job is to cease striving and His job is to accomplish exceeding, abundant things for us, in us and through us.
He is financing His Kingdom projects. The resources in heaven are not limited. There are ideas being birthed to reach the world with the message of truth and God is dispersing the necessary finances to do them. Some have been given assignments of creative things to bring to life, but have been hindered by the perceived lack of funding. If we will just begin, then the money and people will be in place to help birth it. It is faith building to watch God’s hands at work, bringing all the pieces together to advance His Kingdom to reach this world searching for truth. Our confidence is strengthened in these times to give us faith for the days ahead.
…and the voice of another we aren’t to listen to. Often times we are set back or hindered from moving forward because the opinions of others speak louder than the direction of God.
People who don’t receive the assignment don’t understand the vision.
In order to accomplish what God is asking us to do, we must follow His voice and direction above all else. Consider Noah, a man who walked with God and was asked to do the most unusual thing in a time of impending disaster. Genesis 6 has the account of his obedience to the Lord in spite of peoples opinions and mocking. Noah walked with God and found favor with Him and God could trust Noah to do something that had never been done before. Noah received instruction and did EXACTLY what the Lord was asking him to do. I’m sure Noah was a bit perplexed as God asked him to build an “ark” which, to that time had never been built before. But, what God asked Noah to do, he did and God’s plan was carried out as Noah obeyed.
When God is directing us to do something that will build His Kingdom, it won’t let go of you. Recently, we completed a documentary on dreams that we had been working on for 7 years. We took our cameras on the streets and captured people telling us their dreams and giving them and interpretation as we listened to God regarding the dreamer and the dream. Often the weather conditions were extreme. I remember one year of a temperature of 6 degrees on the streets. There were times I wanted to give up, having no money to work with, opposition from people who didn’t understand what I was doing, discouragement when I wasn’t allowed access into places where I felt God wanted us to go. I was learning some serious lessons about overcoming and persistence. But this assignment WOULDN’T LET GO OF ME. Each year, I was compelled to keep going and each year, we gained more favor and we found more and more people with TRULY God given dreams that we were able to capture on film. I remember at one point, just sitting down on a couch during the outreach, discouraged and cold. Our camera people were with us and it just seemed like we couldn’t go on. I laid my head back on the couch and sighed and then I heard the Lord say to me, “Don’t let another year go by”. I have to tell you, that statement didn’t comfort me. It was like, “Lord, I am doing all I can and I am getting so weary”. But little did I know that God had all the pieces in place and within a two month period of time, we had a producer and everything we had need of to accomplish this task and it was completed WITHOUT OUR EFFORT. I now look back and wonder what would have happened if I had given up because I didn’t “see” everything or if I had let people’s opinions stop me from completing my assignment from God.
God has things “up His sleeves” to surprise us. We are in a time of incredible revelation and creativity being released. Being one with the Creator makes us the most creative people on the planet. Demonstrations of God’s Kingdom are going to astound the world. It is the GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH. Signs, wonders, miracles, signs in the heavens and wonders on the earth. God is making His voice known and the Holy Spirit is the fueling us to make it happen. Dream big and keep pressing on. The biggest results require the biggest risks. God is cheering us on to greater things. The Kingdom of God is not a boring Kingdom and He is looking for people who will let Him create through them.
Suggested Resources: Living In The Zone
Cindy McGill travels internationally helping churches raise up evangelism teams. She ministers in prophecy and dream interpretation. She has hosted and led nation-wide outreach events at the Olympics, Sundance Film Festval and the Burning Man.
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