Bible Meditation on the River Within - by Lieve
A Prophetic word for 2015 - The Year of ‘Establishment’
Testimony Time!
One of the 49 Lies Is That I Am to Live Out of the Bible
Jesus is Building His Church on the Revelation that \"He is the Christ, the First Born Son...
Choose to Be a Blesser Rather Than a Converter
Cyndi answers one reader's question about curses sent against Christians.
Resurrection Blessings
What Is the BEST Marriage Counseling?
Encouraging Message from Dr. Barbie Breathitt
You are destined by God to succeed
Living scriptures today
5-fold counsel is your unfair advantage
If I Add Whole-Brain Learning to Heart Revelation, What Do I Get?
There is a mighty awakening, the sleeping giant is waking up.
Meditating on Scripture, asking for revelation
two way journaling
There are over 19,000 cities in America—and none of them are experiencing the biblically normal...
When we think of a Mothers greatest attribute; it has to be love!
We must go back into the past to be released into the future. Most of you know of or have...
Celebrate Easter
When God reveals something, there’s an opportunity to question it. Unbelief wants to make the...
Spreading God's voice
Put Your Marriage Over the Top
The premise of this article is to explain the depths to which the Lord uses dreams to affect our...
Water Baptism