Author: Mark Virkler
Right now, the amount of dishonor, disdain, demonization and divisiveness amongst people over politics has reached epidemic proportions. Fifty-eight percent of Americans have political opinions they are afraid to share. Wow! So much for freedom of expression and free speech!
The healing of this problem is to implement the Biblical mandate, to “honor all people” (1 Pet. 2:17). It appears to me that the Lord has to speak this as revelation knowledge into one’s heart before it can become a reality. I mean, I read the verse and knew it for years, and yet still judged and dishonored those whom I disagreed with.
This blog on How to Move from Judgment to Compassion details what Jesus taught about judgment, and that He did not come to judge, but to show compassion and heal (Jn. 12:47; Matt. 14:14).
I think that is a good mandate for us to be following at this time. I received an email this morning asking if I was a Republican or a Democrat, and why. Guess what? I was afraid to answer. So I provided my stock response:
Paul, that is a big question needing a big answer. Not able to do it justice in a few sentences. My basic philosophy is to vote for the one who most lines up with biblical teachings, so that God can bless our nation. I am pretty sure that the only thing that can preserve our nation is a revival, and I believe teaching people to hear God’s voice is key to revival, so I am giving my time to that end.
Joshua, my son, was going to offer blogs on God and government, but once we stated our intention to do that the reaction was so strong, Josh decided against it.
Summary: Let us be the people who are peacemakers, who honor all people, and love all people, and being moved by compassion, heal those whom we touch (Matt. 14:14). I find that I need to lay down my judgments if I am going to love the person next to me and reach out with a healing touch. Just because I have not judged him, does not mean I agree with him or approve of his positions or behaviours. It just means I have chosen compassion over judgment. Read this blog on what Jesus taught about judgment.
He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you But to DO justice, to LOVE mercy, And to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8)
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