Author: Mark Virkler
This is an amazing training book and video set and testimony on the power and joy of flagging by Kirsten Himmelberg.
I have known Kirsten for probably over a decade. I have watched (and helped) her overcome the abuse of her childhood and grow into an amazing powerful Christian woman. I am proud of her and thrilled to present to you these amazing tools. Kirsten has created them as part of her own amazing spiritual journey to victory and freedom in Christ. I asked Kirsten the questions below and she wrote these powerful answers. Enjoy!
If you are reading this blog in an email, click here to watch the video on YouTube.
How has this deepened your worship experience?
Flagging is my love language with the Lord. It is a form of communication. It helps me to worship with my body, soul, and spirit. Using flags as a worship tool helps me bring congruence to my body, soul, and spirit to help me focus and enter in more completely. It is a visual prayer and declaration in the spiritual realm. It can be a form of worship, warfare, and evangelism and can lead to healing and deliverance. Although I don't worship to get something from the Lord, I and many others have received a greater depth of healing and deliverance when flagging. I have also found that it is easier to have inner healing and deliverance by turning my heart to the Lord in worship than yelling at the enemy. The motions you make with a flag can be a visual form of communication similar to using sign language.
Who this training is for?
Anyone who wants to use flags for worship, warfare, and evangelism.
What will this training do for me?
- This training can teach you how to use flags for worship, warfare, and evangelism. Learn what is happening within yourself and the environment when you flag.
- It will correct misunderstandings about the use of flags in church.
- It will teach you prophetic movements to use with the flags to start you on developing your own personal love language with the Lord.
- There are both written teachings and videos so you can see what it looks like in real life.
- You will learn about what the Bible says about praise, worship, flags, worship tools, prophetic acts, types of flags, anointing, and much more.
- It will give you an understanding about how and why flags can be used in worship, warfare, and evangelism.
Does it deepen the worship experience for me, for the church to see it as part of the worshipping team?
I personally know that flagging has gotten me through some really difficult times. I used the flag as a tool to cause my body to line with the Word. I have been told many times that my flagging has impacted the church and atmosphere around me. I have witnessed many times that it is not uncommon for people to be slain in the spirit when they are close to the flag. During evangelism, I have witnessed the deliverance of people during flagging. I love to use flags to "claim the atmosphere" for the kingdom of God and believe there has been a shift for the glory of God with the use of flags and others have also said they experienced it. Flags can be used to invite angels and the host of heaven in. I believe it is our job as believers to create the atmosphere if we want a move of God. Flags can help us line up our inner world and outer world to invite the manifest presence of God.
Can I do this training alone OR in a group?
This training can be done individually or in a group. I personally flagged solo for about eight years in my home church but have started several praise teams. The praise teams I have started have caused the churches to blossom.
Do I need you Kirsten, or is this a self-contained package?
This is a self-contained package.
Action Step: Download and share this Free training resource on Flagging
Click here to download Kirsten's free training manual. It includes links to ten training videos produced by Kirsten.
Journaling Question
Lord, who would you have me share this with to help spread revival? Who would be blessed by this information and training?
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