Warrior Angels Fighting for Us
prophetic prayer journaling
Dreams and Physical Healing
South African Pastor Embraces 4 Keys and Sees Miraculous Growth - by Dr. Don Paprocky
two way journaling
The history of Thanksgiving
How important is it to use the eyes of my heart?
A biblical look at meekness.
Dream Declarations & Activation
Dreams That Changed the World
A Christmas Card from Communion with God Ministries
Get 5-fold counsel and succeed
How to achieve success
Teaching by Dr. Barbie Breathitt
Does Jesus Himself say the Bible can be trusted?
Prophetic Teaching by Dr. Barbie Breathitt
The COVID Va((ine
Overcoming the Fear of a Cancer Diagnosis – By Mike Bastien
Put Your Marriage Over the Top
Life and Death Are in the Power of the Tongue
How Do I Come Back To God After I Have Committed A HUGE Sin?
You don't have to be perfect. Perfection came, wrapped in swaddling clothes and placed in a...
5-fold team leadership
As we have crossed the threshold of a new era in the Lord, there will be a lot of shifting...
Resting in Our Oneness with God by Charity Kayembe
Healing Prayer