Author: Charity Virkler Kayembe
Things in Common
One thing I’m really beginning to appreciate about my angels is how alike we actually are in some ways. For example, we’re created beings. That’s something that I don’t have in common with Jesus (Who is God), but I do have in common with them.
But even though they’re not God and never will be, they’re holy. And perfect and sinless. Well, I’m not God and never will be either, and now with my angels I have a chance to see how a created being with a free will gets that perfect holy sinlessness to play out in real life.

Just Like Us
Angels don’t have all power like God does, in and of themselves, but they know that He’ll provide whatever strength they need to accomplish the work He gives them.
They don’t know everything like God does either, but they know that He’ll give them whatever knowledge they need to succeed in the assignments they receive.
Same with us, we don’t know everything but we can have confidence that God will make sure we know everything we need to know, when we need to know it. We’ve got the Holy Spirit and anointing, with words of wisdom and knowledge. And we’ve got angelic messengers who are happy to help give us understanding anytime we need it too.
Role Models?
They also trust Father perfectly, and submit to Him easily without hesitation. And they know know know that God is going to do whatever He’s said He would do. Uncompromising obedience and total surrender to Father’s will. Perfect faith in action, every single time.
The other thing I love is that they live to worship God. They have their priorities right every second, and never get distracted or lose their focus even for a moment. They understand that their number one main job, more important than any other great service or work of the kingdom, is ministry to God. Not for Him, but to Him. Same with me.
Winners & War Heroes
They are the most confident friends I have! While completely humble, they are entirely bold and brave. Not a hint of arrogance, but absolutely assured that whatever they’re intending to do will be accomplished, because they have God backing them up. They’ve got nothing to prove to anybody, they just live to please Father.
My angels are also both extraordinarily positive. They have no fear. No pride. No stress. No doubt. It’s such a beautifully awesome combination, that extreme humility and extreme confidence. I love it. I want it!
Because they have the revelation that we’ve won. It’s already done. Jesus secured our victory and the Most High really is Ruler over the realm of mankind.
We all know that in our heads, but that’s ALL they see. All they know is God’s truth and His perspective. The war’s already won, so they never fight for victory. They always, only, naturally, exclusively fight from it.

Why It Works for Me
All of that is what I’m going for. And where am I going to see an example of it – by someone who’s not God Himself (Jesus) – except for with angels? I have wonderful friends and amazing family, but none of them are perfect. Here’s my chance to see in real time what it can actually look like. Feel like. Sound like. I get
a vision for holiness and how awesome it is and that makes it seem a little bit more within reach.
When you walk with the wise, you become wise. And you figure that if even just a tiny bit of that glory realm rubs off on you, you’re a lot better off than when you started!
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