Romancing the King of Kings
Peter Foster believes the message of shame is that we are innately flawed and have no real value...
The Day I Couldn’t See My Angels
STAY FILLED with the Spirit by Singing and Making Melody in Your Heart
Surrounded by Angels
Rise Up and Take a Stand for Me Journaling by Rev. Eric McCracken
The Spirit of God constantly seeking to plant new seeds of victory inside of you, enlarging your...
Your Soul Is Planted in My Soil – Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
Do you know why DIFFERENT Greek words are translated HEAL?
I sensed the Lord saying, "As my people seek My face first with sincere hungry hearts I...
walk in hope
Prophetic Word Through Flavien - Calling My Reformers to Arise!
grow in faith
One Way to Get a Better Night’s Sleep - By Linda Garmon
Two-way journaling
God’s truths written on the walls of our hearts - How exactly does this occur?
Semillas de Verdad: Desde Génesis hasta Apocalipsis
God is waiting to open the windows of heaven - Journaling by Ken Day
The heavenly Bridegroom is bidding His Bride to “Come up here” (Revelation 4:1), for deeper,...
Who Should Expect Angelic Ministry?
A Call For Day of Prayer & Fasting On Election Day
70+ Podcasts available
Don't Agree Things Are a Pain in the Butt Unless You Want a Pain in Your Butt - By Linda Burton
Deliverance Brought a Miracle and 20 People Were Saved!
No More "Grunt Work" - Have Fun With Jesus - by Susan Dolliver
Meditating on Scripture, asking for revelation