Author: Patricia King 2 Likes
A Radical Company of Believers Will Arise in the Catholic Church
by Patricia King
Over the course of many years I have heard various judgments and complaints against the Catholic Church from fellow Believers. Some proclaimed that the Pope was the anti-Christ, others stated that the Roman Catholic Church was Babylon and would burn under the judgment of God, and yet others described the Catholic Church as being steeped in witchcraft. I realize that in any organization there can be the good, the bad, and the ugly. There are many things that the Spirit of God will work out in our midst as He perfects those things that concern us...and that is for all of us.
My personal experience with Catholic Believers for the most part has been very encouraging. I am grateful for their adherence to the Nicene Creed as their statement of belief, and I am very thankful for their care for the poor and their public righteous standards regarding marriage and pro-life values.
The Catholics I have known are Spirit-filled Believers who are fully devoted to following Christ. I love them and have been blessed by their hunger for the Lord. I am confident that the Lord will burn up the dross of impurities in the Catholic Church even as He will in ALL His Body.
In January of 2013, I received a prophetic word over a Catholic woman who was in one of our meetings. The gist of it, was that a move of God was coming to the Catholic Church. I could feel the potency in the word and I was excited.
In March 2013, Francis became the Pope. In May, I was watching a television report revealing one of Pope Francis' ministry trips into South America. (Photo: Pope Francis)
As I watched this, I was again quickened with the word about a move of Spirit in the Catholic Church:
Word for Catholics From May 2013:
A move of the Spirit of God is coming to the Catholic Church. The youth in particular will be ignited with a fresh fire of zeal and passion for Christ and His Gospel. A radical company of Believers will arise in the Catholic Church during this move, and they will release a flow of God's love and truth into the nations.
The Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation will visit entire gatherings, and Catholics will be filled with fresh insights involving the glory of God, His Kingdom and His righteousness.
These insights will bring alignment to many areas within the core of the Catholic Church and will release more demonstrations of the power of Christ. (Photo: Vatican City)
The justice and righteousness of God will be made known to many through radical Catholics who are willing to proclaim the truth in love. There are intercessors in the Catholic Church even now who are giving birth to this move. The Pope will endorse it.
Pray for the Catholics.
Patricia King
Founder and Director of XPMEDIA.COM INC
Email: info@xpmedia.com
Website: xpmedia.com
Website: xpmedia.com
Discussion Add a Comment
Franco Neil Glovasa 11 years ago
I agree and Amen.. love to see revival in the Vatican..
mark timler 11 years ago
Bring it on, Lord.
Carmen Doncel-Whitney 11 years ago
Amen, I am one of the Catholic intercessors and know many others who are radical Spirit-filled, fruit endowed Catholic Believers.