How Do I Come Back To God After I Have Committed A HUGE Sin?
You don't have to be perfect. Perfection came, wrapped in swaddling clothes and placed in a...
5-fold team leadership
As we have crossed the threshold of a new era in the Lord, there will be a lot of shifting...
Healing Prayer
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Two way journaling
A Lively, Fun Interview with Charisma About Our New Edition of Prayers That Heal The Heart
Dreams and Physical Healing
God Speaks in the Midst of National Turmoil – Journaling by Tom P.
21 Days of Prayer for Financial Freedom
Two-way journaling
"Do not look to the things that have gone before. For behold, watch, I do a new thing! A...
Patti Sees Angels Protecting the Message of Communion With God
My Shortest Blog
As we who live in the Kingdom of God respond to our enemies in God’s love we will experience a...
Two Way Journaling
Is This Anti-Christ Thing Blown Completely Out of Proportion?
Journaling about Psalm 23
Prayerfully Speak God’s Healing Promises
My Chance to Say Thank You to the Catholic Church
Our Golden Anniversary
God plants specific desires within the heart of each person. We are to seek His heart and...
Seeing the Life of Jesus Through a Harmony of the Gospels