Author: Peg Yarbrough
Romans 16:20 says, "Now, the God of peace will quickly crush Satan under your feet."
On day one, Jesus took me to the throne room and handed me a wooden Judge’s gavel. He said, "Follow My voice." And He took me inside a dark, damp cave where there was a big sleeping dragon (demon). Somewhere in between the throne and the cave, the wooden hammer of God’s justice transformed into a HUGE crystalline hammer, like Thor-size.
Jesus said, “Climb up the dragon’s back and crush the vertabra right behind his neck. Like a snake it will try to turn and bite you." I crushed the first vertebra with the Hammer and, then He said, "Walk down its back slowly and crush 6 more, a total of 7" (spiritual perfection). It laid there with his tongue out. Then the Lord showed me hundreds of little dragons scurrying out from underneath it, scattering all over the place.
The next day the Lord took me to similar dragon’s lair, and had me do the exact same thing again.
The third day took me to a dragon that was at least a 1,000 times bigger than the first two. It was very, very deep in the heart of the earth. I saw it touching Europe, North Africa, and the United States, which means it is longer than the Atlantic Ocean. I did not touch that dragon, I only observed it. I said, "Lord, what is this?" He said, “Western Civilization as you know it. The Dragon wants to take the whole world back into the Dark Ages where there were only lords and serfs. That is NOT My will.”
Then day four, Jesus took it up a notch. He took me into battle against the fourth dragon. It was huge and vicious! It was much bigger than the first two, but not at big as the third one. It had thirteen heads, biblically the number of rebellion. No surprise there! He told me to speak His word of God to the dragon and instantly a javelin went through its chest and it collapsed. Wow! Powerful! This time I did not climb up its back, but I met it head on, and the Lord said, "Take the sword of the Spirit which is My word." In my vision I held a giant crystalline sword. And I chopped off every one of the 13 heads by HIS power. But they were still writhing on the ground, like a snake killed before sunset. Jesus told me to go around to each head and pierce the eye with the sword of the Spirit until they were all still.
So I did.
After that I slipped back into a vision where I was standing in an old church with the outer wall missing on one side, and the Lord emphasized to me that there were TWO stories.
I asked, "Lord, what are the two stories all about?" He answered, “The two stories mean one story is the truth, and the other story is a counterfeit from Satan.” I was still a bit confused when suddenly Jesus spoke to me in a loud voice, “Knowing this first, Knowing this first, Knowing this first… … that NO prophecy of the Scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came NOT in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit."
He said three times with great emphasis: “Knowing this FIRST, no prophecy of the Scripture is any private interpretation. You are not to privately interpret any of it; but you are to seek My guidance, and speak ONLY what I show you; not your own opinions.”
Then it became clear, the first story represented my religious self that eschewed even the thought of destroying evil. I was taught to let it grow up alongside good, like the wheat and the tares, whereas now Jesus was arming me, and telling me to go out and crush Satan under my feet quickly. This was a paradigm shift. I had to let go of one story in order to fully embrace the other, the truth.
Then the Lord showed me a huge stain on the world. A stain left by folks who have privately interpreted the word of God for their own choosing. Those leading the church have NOT always been holy men of God moved by the Holy Spirit, but baby dragons, infecting both the church and the world with their LIES. Men and women who have gone the way of Cain!
Then He brought Matthew 23:15 to my mind, "Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when you have succeeded, you make them twice as much a child of HELL as you are."
Jesus showed me that these lies are the many little dragons going out, infecting humanity and devouring the truth, like a cancer. But, they are being judged by the gavel of God even as we speak!
We live in a physical world, but we reign from the spiritual kingdom. We war in the heavenlies and then see the victories here on earth. And Jesus continues to show me that every lie shall be exposed,
and we are just the ones to do it, through spiritual warfare!
Today, the whole world is in a spiritual battle between good and evil, a battle for the souls of humanity. Since Satan CANNOT win, he tries to discourage Jesus’ warriors. Refuse to take the bait. You and I were born for such a time as this, to set things right again! Spiritual warfare includes dragons. We are able to go up and slay the dragons in the name of the Living God!
Get quiet, tune to flow, and ask Jesus what your role in His heavenly plan is, because we all have one.
Peg Yarbrough
Light of Christ Ministries
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