Author: Mark Viriler
Ten years into my Christian life I learned to discern God’s voice within my heart. The conversations we had made me feel like I was walking with Jesus and the disciples on the Emmaus Road. As Jesus opened the Scriptures to me, I could feel my heart burning within (see Lk. 24:32). Following is one of the conversations we had.
Jesus, I have believed from my youth up that I am to live out of the Bible. There is no way this can be wrong.
Jesus spoke: But it is.
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Well, what can be wrong with living out of the Bible?
Basically, the fact that I never intended for you to live out of the Bible. I intended for you to live out of Me.
But isn’t that the same thing?
Not at all. The Bible records accounts of people who lived out of an active relationship with Me. They heard My voice, saw My vision, dreamed My dreams and understood them, and released My power out through their lives.
Now you, on the other hand, have been taught not to live out of your spirit, but instead to live out of the reasoned theologies of your mind which you build from My Word. You have been taught that I no longer encounter My children. Well, that is a lie. I do encounter My children on a daily basis. I am the Vine and they are the branches. There is an organic union between us. It is not possible for Me not to flow to them and through them on a continuous basis. However, they have been taught by the traditions of men to disregard this flow of My Spirit through their hearts and to instead trust the reasoned theology they build with their minds from My Scriptures.
So Lord, how am I to live?
You are to be led by My Spirit (Rom. 8:14). You are to be filled with My Spirit (Eph. 5:18). You are to walk in My Spirit (Rom. 8:3,4). You are to live in My Spirit (Rom. 8:5). You are to worship in Spirit and in truth (Jn. 4:23). You are to pray at all times in the Spirit (Eph 6:18). You are to overcome the works of your flesh by My Spirit (Rom. 8:13). It is My law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus that sets you free from the law of sin and of death (Rom. 8:2). It is when your mind is set on the Spirit that you experience life and peace (Rom. 8:6). I have said that you are not to quench My Spirit (1 Thess. 5:19).
My son, My Word is priceless beyond measure. However, it records the one overriding fact that I have constant, ongoing communication with My children, and that My children are to live out of that.
My response, and I pray that you join me in making this your response, also
Lord, I come to You to receive from Your Spirit all that You want to impart in my life. Teach me to discern Your Spirit within my heart and follow His leadings, and I shall follow You always.
I shall, My child. I shall.
How this changed my life…
The Lord has instructed me that when I get up in the morning, I am not to go to my emails or to the news or to a mechanical morning devotional. He has told me: "Come to ME! Tune to flow and let the flow of My Spirit guide you as to what your day's devotions will look like. They will be different every day. Perhaps you will interpret a dream, or receive insight from Me which encourages you and releases My love and My joy within you. Sometimes I will lead you to meditate on Scriptures and I will show you things you have not yet seen."
My hope for the future is that we all live tuned to flow throughout the day and honor and follow the flow of His Spirit!
I invite you to join me in speaking life over yourself
I am free from this lie that I am to live out of the Bible and the prison it created in my life. I stand on God’s revealed truth which is that I can live and walk by the Spirit (Gal. 5:25). I am now freed to soar in the Spirit. Thank You, Lord!
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