Author: Linda Burton
The Holy Spirit releases creativity within all of us all the time. Most often it will be in the area we are asking Him about. Many brilliant inventions came this way, as have wonderful solutions to problems, and beautiful music and artistry. Below Linda Burton shares one example of such creativity. May it inspire us all to seek the Spirit for His constant creative flow out through our lives.
Twenty-four years ago, as I prepared to move from my home, I reluctantly took down the beautiful curtains from my bathroom windows. They probably wouldn’t have looked special to anyone else, but they held a special place in my heart so I packed them away for safe keeping.
Four years ago as I was looking at embroidery patterns, Jesus brought some designs to my attention. He said, “Make a banner for Me out of your beautiful curtains," so I stitched the Peace dove and the hummingbird Joy patterns. They were amazing! Then life kept happening and I just didn’t get back to the banner. But every so often Jesus would nudge my heart to pull out the designs and He would once again whisper to me about making a banner for Him.
As we have been staying inside because of the virus, Jesus once again spoke to my heart. “It is time to make the banner for Me,” He whispered as we spent quiet time together.
That night as I slept, Spirit started showing me the design and pattern of how I was to make the banner for Jesus. I had all of the materials on hand so I started measuring, cutting and fitting together. The next night Spirit started showing me what I was to embroider on each block. Each night Spirit would talk to me about how to make the corners, how big to make the seams, what size each block should be. He would show me the solutions to the problems before I even knew I had a problem. Spirit would speak in the visions of the night and I would sew and embroidery just as He showed me in the day.
Today, I finished the beautiful banner for Jesus. I see Him smiling. “Jesus, what do You have to say about Your banner?" I asked.
“Beloved, you have greatly honored Me. You will receive a double portion of the blessings it brings to others. Now give it to the ministry I have shown you. Through this gift, keys are turning and new doors will be opening.”
Thank You, Jesus and Holy Spirit, for blessing me to use my beautiful curtains to make a gift for You and to bless many.
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