Author: Mark Virkler
Jesus said things that would be considered heresy if someone today said them. "He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life" (Jn. 6:54). This statement prompted me to do a deep dive into "heretics" and "heresy" in the New Testament.
I was shocked to find the word "heretic" is never found in the New American Standard Bible or Young's Literal Translation and occurs only one time in the Kings James Version!
- KJV: Titus 3:10 - A man that is an heretic (G141) after the first and second admonition reject
- NASB: Titus 3:10 - Reject a factious (G141) man after a first and second warning
- YLT: Titus 3:10 - A sectarian (G141) man, after a first and second admonition be rejecting,
- According to Greek dictionaries, the clear meaning of the Greek word numbered G141 is “factious, schismatic, causing division.” Well, that is a totally different picture than what I was imagining a heretic to be. Guess it is time to revamp my picture.
Another related Greek word: (G139 αἵρεσις - hairesis = which is sometimes translated heresies in the KJV, has as its definition, "choosing, choice"). It is translated 1 time in the NASB as heresies (2 Pet. 2:1) and in the KJV it is translated 3 times as heresies and 1 time as heresy. Most often this Greek word is translated as "sect" in the NASB.
The words "heresies" and "heretic" DO NOT show up even once in the Young's Literal Translation. Instead, the YLT uses the word "sect" and "sectarian."
Maybe we are overdoing it to be calling so many people heretics.
In the “secular” world, they use the word “misinformation” to describe the message of people who don’t toe the government’s official line, and these people are thrown off social media so only the government’s view is heard. It is not just communist China that does this; it appears most governments are currently doing this.
In the Church, a person who doesn’t fully agree with the views of the denomination are called heretics and banned from fellowship.
I have had both labels thrown at me (by some) since my pursuit of truth has caused me to live essentially outside the box. If we are going to have a narrow definition of what it means to be an evangelical, then here are six RESPECTED theologians of the past whom we need to now throw out as heretics. I encourage you to read this article as it contains exact quotes from these men about the things they believe.
The men are C.S. Lewis, Billy Graham, Martin Luther, William Barclay, John Stott, and St. Augustine. Their beliefs included inclusivism, rejecting biblical inerrancy, universalism, rejecting conscious eternal torment, and rejecting a literal reading of the creation story.
God has called me to give my life to restore the eyes and ears of one’s heart so they can hear and see God and experience communion with Him. This, of course, is heresy in the eyes of some fundamentalists.
You can only die once so you need to know what God has asked you to die for and give your life for that.
Defining a heretic as one who “causes divisions” is problematic since Jesus and Paul both caused divisions. How do we resolve this dilemma? I assume there must be something more than simply “one who causes divisions.” Let’s delve in and see what we can find out.
Jesus “caused divisions” so was He a heretic?
- "Do you suppose that I came to grant peace on earth? I tell you, no, but rather division; for from now on five members in one household will be divided, three against two and two against three.” (Lk. 12:51-53)
- The heart and lifestyle of Jesus are the key characteristics that made Him NOT a heretic. Jesus' heart's passion was not to be factious or schismatic. He had a pure goal which was to be sinless and complete His Father's mission for Him which was to lay down His life to restore fellowship with God's children. His teaching came from His Father’s initiative, so even though it was different, and some called Jesus a heretic, Jesus was NOT a heretic. These same principles also apply to the Apostle Paul.
- Here is an excellent dramatized story of the interactions of a Jewish family that was divided, as some in the family believed Jesus was a heretic and some believed Jesus was the Messiah. See how this intense disagreement was resolved as they opened their hearts and minds to listen to a clear presentation of Scriptures that pointed to the truths about Jesus. It is powerful! You will enjoy it!
Journal and Dig Deeper
- Lord, what would You speak to me about this topic?
- Explore the contrasts between Christianity, phariseeism, and the New Age Movement in the book, Am I Being Deceived? by Mark and Patti Virkler
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