How Could I Have Been So Wrong?
High Praises, His Presence & Roaring
I Either LOVE the Truth or Am Under a Deluding Influence
I Had a Blood Transfusion and Then My Emotions Went Haywire
From the book: Seed Truths-From Genesis to Revelation
Two-way journaling
New book of anointed poems
My Chance to Say Thank You to the Catholic Church
Introducing Ken and Sylvia Thornberg and Freedom Encounters
God Cleanses the Atmosphere and Brings Destruction Upon His Enemies
You will be surprised at how quickly things can turn around for you if you start eating that...
How to Heal the Sick – A Dream Providing Instruction
Hear God's love toward you
Can Non-Christians Receive God's Creative Flow?
Vote Now!
entertainment industry, the release of inspired media and strategies, invasion of Holy Spirit...
How to Partner with the Company of Heaven
Understanding and Responding to Racial Tension
“If we are forced, at every hour, to watch or listen to horrible events, this constant stream of...
Heart Prayers: Employing the Language of Your Heart
two way journaling
We are the bridge between conservative traditionalists who anchor their Christian life on a...
Prepared for My Husband’s Death by Hearing God’s Voice
What Power Flowed from God through Jesus to Heal?
Can You REALLY Sing “Sweet Hour of Prayer” with Gusto?
two-way journaling
My Tribute to Dr. Yonggi Cho