Author: Mark Virkler
In My Passion to Live by the Spirit, I Looked Up ALL 1400 Verses on Heart and Spirit
When I want to master a topic, I begin by looking up everything God has said about that subject in the Bible. I pray over these Scriptures, asking for revelation, and then journal out the insights God is giving me. I recommend this approach to all. This way, you are not receiving information that has been passed down for hundreds of years. You are not getting man’s ideas. You are receiving directly from God as you meditate on His Word under the illumination of the Holy Spirit. You experience what the disciples on the Emmanus road experienced… "Were not our hearts burning within us as He was opening Scripture to us?" (Lk. 24:32).
I want to make the treasure of this revelation available to you. We selected 500 of the 1400 verses which have the word “heart” or “spirit” in them and put them into a book and training module called “How to Walk by the Spirit.”
We instruct you to record your insights as you prayerfully ponder each of these verses. Then you record a summary of what God is revealing to you. This way you receive your own revelation concerning how to live and walk by the Spirit (Gal. 5:25). Since Jesus said that the flesh profits nothing (Jn. 6:63), it is imperative you learn to live by the Spirit. Everything else amounts to “nothing.” If that idea stretches you, I want you to know I find it quite unbelievable as well since it seems to me that I can do lots of good things using the strength of my flesh. However, I’m not the person who made the claim. Jesus is.
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What you will gain
In this e-learning module you will gain a first hand, working knowledge of your heart and spirit. You will have words to define your heart and your spirit, and understand its senses and activities. You will know how to tune to it, sense it and live out of it. You will discover the things that can affect it, and how to purify it. You will understand transference of spirits.
In my summary statement concerning the heart/spirit connection, I concluded there was at least a 98% overlap between heart and spirit in the Bible. This was confirmed by Scripture as well as the Analytical Greek Lexicon's definition of these two words.
I then went to the Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament and Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words to see how they define soul and spirit, and found a huge overlap between them as well. So essentially, I boil it down to simply the truth that we have an immaterial part and a material part. You can look up the 1400 verses of Scripture and see what you feel are the distinctions and definitions. Or you can look up the 500 verses we have categorized in the book How to Walk by the Spirit.
I discovered so many fascinating things the Bible teaches about my spirit: 17 things my spirit does; 11 wholehearted activities which are ALL to be parts of our relationship to God; 13 things that can be done to our spirits; 12 things God gives to the heart; five senses of the heart, which are ways the heart communicates, and when these five are filled by God, miracles occur; and three ways of sharpening the spirit and making it ready to receive from God. These are a few of the things you will explore in this training experience.
It is exciting to see that not only does the Bible say we can ponder in our hearts, the most cutting-edge science now confirms our hearts have a brain.
Jesus lived tuned to His heart/spirit. He was tuned to His Father's initiative (Jn. 5:19,20,30). As you become more tuned to your heart, you too will become more aware of the Father's initiative and you, too, get to become a Kingdom builder as Jesus was.
And the best part is, you are not relying on any man to tell you what your heart and spirit is and you are not getting a partial understanding. You personally have looked up 500 verses of Scripture and prayerfully reviewed them.
This puts you in the top 1% of the people in the world as far as knowledge of how to live and walk by the Spirit.
To help you along this path, we are hosting a special Worldwide Video Event from July 22-29 titled "How to Walk by the Spirit." We are offering this valuable training at no cost, but only for a very limited time! Register for free access here and learn how to live and walk by the Spirit.
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