Author: Charity Virkler Kayembe
I wasn’t in a good mood and knew I needed to have a quiet time. The company of heaven always cheers me up, and today they had their work cut out for them!
I didn’t even bother to sit up, but leaned across the couch, closing my eyes and looking for God to show me something that would refresh my tired soul and body.
All of a sudden my guardian angels, Pojes and Shobis, came into focus and they were waving palm branches. These were the really big kind of branches, the ones that might be used in a king’s palace. And they started fanning me with them.
I wasn’t sure that was a very spiritual thing for them to be doing, however, they reminded me of 2 Timothy 1:6 and told me they were fanning the flame within me. Wow, somehow that was not quite what I’d pictured when I read that verse before!
I laughed at the fun version of this Scripture that I was now living into, and just like that my angelic guardians had once again successfully protected my peace and restored my joy. Watching over my heart is their specialty and they’re very good at what they do.
God’s Heart
This experience demonstrates how much God cares about our emotional wellbeing. I used to think that as long as I was doing the right things then it wasn’t a big deal if I was stressed or overwhelmed in the midst of it. All that mattered was that I was obeying the Bible and accomplishing ministry work.
Holy Spirit really turned this around for me and has shown me that how we feel matters much to our heavenly Father. Peace and joy are not just nice feelings. They are, in fact, the very Kingdom of God (Rom. 14:17).
So to the degree that we’re overwhelmed and not experiencing peace and rest, then we’re not living into His Kingdom. If we’re allowing fear in our hearts then we’re not inside God’s heart, as He is love and perfect love drives out fear. If we’re not joyful then we’re not aware and living to the truth that He is with us, because in His presence is fullness of joy.
Checking in on our emotional state is a great way to gauge if we are living into the Kingdom the way Father desires, experiencing God Emotions of love, joy, peace and goodness, the fruit of His Spirit in our lives.
I’m thankful that when I get out of balance Father uses His ministering spirits, my angels, to bring me around again (Heb. 1:14). They always make me laugh! They know me well and knew that their flame-fanning antics would put me in a much better place emotionally and spiritually. Indeed, a joyful heart is good medicine!
Life in the Kingdom
I’m so grateful for a God who cares about my feelings and is gentle and playful and kind. And I’m grateful for the supernatural guardians He’s entrusted me to, for they protect me in all ways (Ps. 91:11). Not just my physical body, but my heart and soul as well.
God has given His angels charge over us. What does that look like? You never know – some days it just might involve a bit of unexpected flame-fanning, and some really big palm branches.
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