Author: Munday Martin
by, Munday Martin
2010 and into the Next Decade
We are entering into a new decade soon. The other day I was asking the Holy Spirit to reveal to me what He is about to do in the Body of Christ in 2010 and over the next decade. He began revealing to me by the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation what is about to take place. Most of what He shared for me is a word for the Body of Christ. This is what He began to show me:
We're All Rising Up in the Glory Together and Will be Activated to Walk in Everyday Life as Jesus Walked
There has been such a release of the Kingdom message in the past decade in order to prepare us for the restitution of all things spoken about in Acts 3:21, "He must remain in Heaven until the time comes for God to restore everything, as He promised long ago through His holy prophets." God's sons and daughters have been hearing about using the keys of the Kingdom and walking in the dynamics of the throne, so that we could learn to walk in a lifestyle of living on the earth as we would in Heaven. The light of His glory is coming upon a radical warrior Bride to contend with the gross darkness that has robbed many of their true identities in Christ.
We are now emerging from the ruins of passive Christianity. We have exiled from the mentality of waiting for a rapture to come rescue us away from this present darkness, rather than take our stand and overcome until we go to be with Jesus. We are learning that deep darkness is a reality and it is going to continue out there. However, Isaiah 60 makes it very clear that when it does get dark, get ready for an explosion of light! "Behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon you, and His glory shall be seen upon you. And the (nations) shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising." Yes, we will one day be caught up to meet the Lord in the air, but that day will not come until God restores everything.
As we learn to become the living tabernacle of David and use the keys of the Kingdom that are rightfully ours, we will walk in the same anointing Peter walked in, where even his shadow healed people when it was cast upon them. We will walk in the same miracles, signs and wonders that Jesus walked in. Much of the Body has not realized they have a miracle ministry on the inside of them and forfeited their divine Kingdom rights and watched others with miracle ministries, when they themselves can carry the atmosphere of Heaven wherever they go.
"Fathering" and "equipping" will become the norm in the Church across the world in 2010 and beyond. "The man of God" mentality is breaking off the Church in the nations. What I mean by that is many have, for years, put men and women of God up on pedestals and revered them in excess, and some even seemingly worshiped them. God is breaking the perception off His sheep that they must wait for the "man of God" to come to their town and bring revival. The whole Body will be rising up in the glory together and will be activated to walk in everyday life with a miracle, prophetic, and signs and wonder ministry. A family of God is arising and shining and He is bringing up His family into dignity and honor.
Watch for Outbreaks of Joy Across America
There will be a sign released right now that will help inebriate people who have suffered across the Body of Christ! Watch the outbreaks of joy across America right now! Watch for the outbreaks of joy!
The Lord told me recently, as I began to smell His fragrance come in the room which smelled like myrrh, that He is releasing the oil of joy right now. Many are about to experience the new wine and the oil of joy who have never felt it before, even across denominational lines. For many it will linger for days and days. Psalm 104:15 says God gave "wine that gladdens the heart of man, oil to make his face shine, and bread that sustains his heart."
Watch for the sign of wine outpourings of the Holy Spirit. Watch also for the sign of oil and bread, as God will rain down manna again in meetings, and oil will physically come more on a mass scale than it is now in some churches. Out of being infused with this glory outpouring, it will release a new boldness, strength and confidence to fulfill our Kingdom mandate no matter where we are. It won't matter what neighborhood we are in, or what nation or what kingdom we are in, because the kingdoms of this world will become the Kingdoms of our God. The Lord told me that He will visit cities all over America with unusual outpourings similar to Toronto. He showed me fireworks and told me that by July 4th of 2010 there will be a new Independence coming upon His Bride in America and Canada.
"The Body is Going to Help Shift Men's Paradigms of Who Jesus Is"
Get ready to see a mass exodus of Believers leaving behind old traditions that have made the Word of God to no effect. Believers will leave behind their Egypt’s of vain religion into a new land of fullness. Those who have the vision of "glory centers" and "training centers" in their heart at this hour are right on target with the Spirit of God. Bob Jones' word about one billion youth coming to Christ by 2020 is going to happen, and we must be ready to train those that have come out of the bondage of religion, and even alternative lifestyles.
The Lord told me, "I am about to move on the subcultures of America." Just as He chose to save many hippies in the 60s and 70s, get ready to see even the magazines declare another Jesus Revolution has started by 2014! It will invade youth in the indie rock scene, it will invade youth in the hip-hop culture, it will even invade Hollywood and MTV. Get ready to see God's hip-hop prophets arise. Get ready to see God's techno rave DJ prophets arise. I even see healing revivals taking place in clubs across America and Europe.
Watch as the Lord begins to shift culture with His Kingdom culture of Heaven. The Body is going to help shift men's paradigms of who Jesus is. Those who have turned to the occult are going to meet God's presence-carriers in the marketplace and streets. Multitudes who are in New Age will begin to hear how the Church is a place where they can go to get healed, be loved, and find freedom in this wonderful man named Jesus. A healing revival is going to spread on mass scale!
A Decade of Unprecedented Harvest
Seven-fold restoration will come even on a governmental level. Wherever an ungodly leader of a nation steps down, the sons of light have the privilege to take that position. Nations will begin to see a new leadership as God restores. Whenever an ungodly person steps down in media, get ready for a son of light to take the position seven times more. The fulfillment of Isaiah 60 is coming to pass on a mass scale.
This is going to be a decade of unprecedented harvest that the Church and the world have never seen. God says, "I have heard the groaning of creation for the manifestation of the sons of God, and I am about to cause a media revival that will shake the heavens and the earth that no man can stop, that will invade even Muslim, Buddhist and Hindu culture through media and Internet with a Kingdom of power and a Kingdom of glory."
God also showed me that the nation of Israel is going to enter into a fresh, new season of harvest. This healing wave of glory will come to many Messianic churches in Israel and will cause a great influx of Jews and Arabs receiving Jesus (Yeshua) as their Messiah.
We say, "Yes, Lord" and "Amen!" Come Holy Spirit on this thirsty generation and be our fountain! Let the oil of joy come to our nation!
Munday Martin is a revivalist who ministers and preaches in the prophetic, apostolic and healing anointing. Wherever he ministers, Munday likes to impart the fire of God to people. Healings, signs and wonders often manifest in the glory of God in his meetings. With his wife Jennifer, Munday has traveled the globe extensively in 22 nations seeing literally thousands come to Christ through power evangelism, international crusade work, and prophetic street evangelism since 1999. Munday has a strong burden for the lost, a desire to see a godly generation promote transformation and counter cultural reformation through intimacy with the Holy Spirit. Munday was ordained recently this year by Dr. James Goll as a prophetic revivalist for this generation, and is part of the Encounters Network Alliance, a coalition of leaders.
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