Cardiologist Explains How Nutrients Can Help Heart Palpitations
Can you tell Him, Here I am Lord – Can you say to Him, You’ve found me, a willing vessel,...
Why Do I Have False Positives in My Journaling?
70+ Podcasts available
Instantaneous Miracles & Process Healing
Kelly, Tim and Kirsten Share Their Testimonies of Being Baptized in the Holy Spirit
A Christmas Card from Communion with God Ministries
A blood covenant was between 2 people or groups, and the purpose was to exchange strengths for...
In July I had a vision of sitting at a desk and then suddenly out of nowhere it was full of...
Are You Taking Part in This Revolution? We NEED You!
move and minister from a foundation of genuine love and humility, earnestly desire the best...
God's six foundational experiences equip us to walk and live by the Spirit
A Dream of Unforgiveness
Where Do I Find Expert Health Advice I Can Trust?
Does the Bible Say Jesus Is God?
I just finished reading Joshua Mills' upcoming book, Power Portals and I found it very...
Two-way journaling
two way journaling
Bringing the Voice of God to Your Writing Experience
Dreams and Physical Healing
how to know that a hurt is FULLY HEALED!
Is.55:5 Focus; Four 7-Year periods; 4 Winds of Worship that will Double You.
I cannot take my eyes off you - Journaling by Linda Garmon
Prophecy From Flavien Williams