Author: Mark Virkler
LaWanda – “My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus, blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but holy lean on Jesus’ name. Christ alone, Cornerstone, weak made strong in the Savior's love. Through the storm, He is Lord, Lord of all.”

Oh, Jesus, precious Lord, how I praise you. I thank you, Lord, for your mercy and how we could not even receive your mercy were it not for your grace. Oh, Jesus, thank you for the Cross and for your great love for us.
I see you as the Good Shepherd today. You always seem to know just where that lost sheep has gone. I see you as you walk with the herd, not unlike walking with us today, Lord. As you walk, you tell us about the Father's love for us. You remind us of that time in our lives when we were lost and how you rescued us. As you are talking I remember that time in Journaling Prayer, when you left the ninety-nine for me. And when you came back, you were carrying a lamb in your arms that had MY name on it. What a beautiful sight that was! I am so grateful, Lord, for what you did for me, and, especially, for this precious picture of it. I will cherish it until the day I see you face to face. And who knows, maybe after that as well. I love you, Lord, and thank you for loving me so.
Jesus - LaWanda, my dear one, my precious, precious one, who I have rescued, for whom I went to the Cross. YOU ARE PRECIOUS TO ME, indeed.
The human mind is an amazing thing, isn't it? You can have a great experience and carry a picture of it around with you in your mind, like the one you just described. But you can also have a terrible experience and carry a picture of that around with you as well. The thoughts that come out of these pictures create feelings about them AND about who you are. But know this, dear one. The choice of which picture you focus on is always yours.
So if what you are feeling is not aligning with who I say you are in My word, perhaps you are looking at the wrong picture. Let me say that again:
If what you are feeling is not aligning with who I say you are in My word, perhaps you are looking at the wrong picture.
When this happens, remember what I have said. Ask me to help you find a different picture, one with Me in it. And I will. At the very moment you cry out to Me, I WILL answer you. I will strengthen you deep within your soul and breathe into you the courage you need to replace the picture. If you are having trouble finding a new picture, use Prayers that Heal the Heart. When you humble yourself and get vulnerable, I WILL show up!
One of the extremely valuable things about your Journaling Prayer is that you have “seen” us together day after day. So you have lots of pictures to choose from. And you KNOW in the depths of who you are that I truly AM with you always, that I will NEVER leave you.
These pictures and the emotions attached to them are always available for you to use…any time you choose. Pictures of Me will always bring you love and comfort, peace and joy. They will fill you rather than drain you. They will uplift you, not condemn you.
So when you need to, choose again, dear one. Remember My words to you today and choose again.
Psalm 138:5 TPT – “At the very moment I called out to you, you answered me! You strengthened me deep within my soul and breathed fresh courage into me.”
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