Author: Apostle Dr. Christian Harfouche
Ahab, oblivious to his own delusions, looked around his ivory palace and admired its stately beauty. His treasuries were full and everything seemed great. Of course, the nation was in bondage and the people were lost in idolatry. These trivialities, however, were inconsequential to the king and his queen. Life was royal, with the exception of the leather-girdled prophet that had shown up in his court.
Elijah, on the other hand, looked around and saw Ahab humbled, Jezebel judged and the nation revived. When Elijah came and delivered the Word of the Lord, it was already a done deal. It didn’t matter what the circumstance looked like! It didn’t matter what the palace looked like. He had heard from Heaven. Elijah informed Ahab, “… according to my word.” The prophet proclaimed the Word of the Lord. It was a done deal.
Perhaps Ahab said to himself, “Well, we will see.” One week may have passed. No sign of dew. No sign of rain. The king wasn’t too concerned though. “It’s just coincidence,” he thought. Besides, he had enough water. He had enough wine. He had enough food to hold a palace feast. There was no hint of famine. The pangs of it could not be felt, yet it was already a done deal.
Lack is not evidence of a move of God. Lack is just simply moving towards a move of God. This is very important to understand.”
The famine starts when there is no rain and the fruit of the Earth fails to produce. Only when there is no water for the sheep and no feed for the cattle, does reality set in. It’s famine time. The ground has become cracked and parched. There is no fruit, no bread, no wheat, and no barley. All of a sudden, the things that men boast in become the very evidence of their shame. Lack is not evidence of a move of God. Lack is just simply moving towards a move of God. This is very important to understand.
The people of the Earth today have been taught by experience and conditioned by nature to accept the conditions of the economy, the present world order, their situation in life, where they live, how they live and what they will do to “make do.” We have been taught to accept the hardness of an unyielding, natural world. Famine, however, does not apply to the child of God. It does not apply to you.
The circumstances of the world do not apply to you. Famine is not your testimony.”
Elijah prayed strongly because he believed that he was called. He believed that he was serving a reliable God. He was convinced that God would take care of him. If he prophesied a famine and was not worried about it, then he must have had a good reason! He must have been confident in his God! Do not read about perilous times and become afraid! Do not read about the anti-Christ and get nervous! Do not read the report and get paranoid! Why the peace? Why the confidence? Why the security? Rest in the understanding that God has His plan for your life. The circumstances of the world do not apply to you. Famine is not your testimony. Your testimony is, “Oh yes, my God did exceedingly abundantly above all that I could ever ask or think.” Abundance is your testimony!
After Elijah delivered the Word, he walked out into a realm where his word was a done deal. It was a God-breathed Word. It was a prophetic Word. For the next three and a half years, he said, “Nothing will come from Heaven. You will only have the echo and the breath of my word ringing in your ears until you are ready to accept a revival from God.”
Elijah walked out into that realm and God said, “Go to the brook because I have commanded the ravens to feed you there.” The name “Elijah” is translated, “My God is Jehovah.”
“So he went and did according to the word of the Lord: for he went and dwelt by the brook…and the ravens brought him bread and flesh in the morning and bread and flesh in the evening; and he drank of the brook.” 1 Kings 17:5a, 6
Is your God, Jehovah? Is your Savior, Jesus?
If He is, then He has commanded things to feed you. He has commanded you to be fed. He has commanded you to have a brook. He has commanded blessing in the middle of famine, supply in the middle of drought, abundance in the middle of lack, and provision in the middle of need.
He has direction for you, even in the midst of the most insurmountable circumstance. He has made a way for you.”
He directed Elijah where to go. There is no reason to fear because you serve a reliable God. You serve a faithful God. You serve a God of superabundant supply.
Remember, when you rely, He is able. God did not tell Elijah to go to the brook before he delivered the word. He had to step out into the God-realm, the faith-realm. Here is a man that has been sent to declare famine to a nation, yet he does not worry about himself! He knows the God he is serving.
We know what kind of a God we are serving. He is not going to leave you out. He is not going to leave you without. He is not going to leave you where you are today.
He has a place of appointment, revival, and restoration for your life. He has direction for you, even in the midst of the most insurmountable circumstance. He has made a way for you. He has made provision for those whose God is Jehovah. How are you going to be fed Elijah? You have your own brook and you have ravens that bring you both bread and meat in the morning and in the evening.
Elijah experienced abundance during the famine. If birds can fly in food in the Old Covenant, then planes can fly in the food in the New Covenant. Trucks can drive in the food!
You are not going to just have your need met. You are going to have your want met! You shall not want for anything! There’s always superabundance for God’s people!
~ Doctor Christian Harfouche
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