Author: Mark Virkler
Shawn Bolz has an amazing prophetic gift. If you watch this four-minute video clip, you will see him call out words of knowledge that are right on and awe-inspiring. This is the supernatural in action, and it is truly exciting to watch.
Well, Shawn Bolz recently interviewed me on his "Exploring the Prophetic" Vodcast and we had a wonderful time. I learned that when Shawn was around 20 years of age, he was teaching classes from our book on Hearing God's Voice! Now, many years later, we are using Shawn's amazing books and video training in three of our brand new prophetic courses in Christian Leadership University. So...full circle. We were instrumental in Shawn's growth, and now we are using his materials to train others in the prophetic.
The Interview
Reading this in an email? Click here to watch on our website.
Check out the new Christian Leadership University courses built around Shawn's prophetic training materials
Click here to view the entire Prophetic Ministry concentration at CLU
Scroll down and click on these titles for course descriptions and the first few pages of each syllabus:
- Prophetic Foundations - PRO207/527
- Words of Knowledge - PRO310/540
- Prophetic Ministry I Graduate - PRO525
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