Jesus Does a Miracle on the Highway
Peter Foster explains why he believes coaching can help fulfill all that God the Father has...
Lord, My Friend Died! I Thought She Was Being Healed!
The Church Must Prepare, Hear, Fight, Win
What Power Flowed from God through Jesus to Heal?
News and Request for Some Stories from You
The appearing of God\'s bride is paramount. She is the key to the greatest revival the...
two way journaling
Covid 19, Fear, Panic, Revelation, Reason and Anointed Action
Prophetic Prayer Releases Kingdom Promises
Globally there is a growing sense of disillusionment, going through the motions, religious...
Two Powerful Inner Healing Scenes Experienced by LaWanda
4 keys to hearing God's voice
Dream Work 101: Dream Recording Tools
There is a mighty awakening, the sleeping giant is waking up.
Act TODAY - God Has Given the Church a Period of Grace to Repent and Pray for the Elections
Two way journaling
Interview on the 4 keys to hearing God's voice
Angels at the Dentist + New Podcast & Upcoming Events
FIRSTFRUITS are God\'s new hand-picked, forerunning leadership, special dedication to Him,...
Patti Sees Angels Protecting the Message of Communion With God
COVID-19 Facts That Flatten the Fear - Updated as of 7-20-20
Choose to Be a Blesser Rather Than a Converter
angelic encounter