Author: Mark Virkler
“My name is Cindy [name changed] and I completed Prayers That Heal the Heart about 6 months ago. Through the process of God healing my heart, the Lord instructed me to pray for my ex-husband. As I continued to pray for him, our friendship has been restored and he and I both have the desire for our marriage to be restored. Is there any counseling that Communion with God Ministries offers that can lead and guide us toward restoration of our marriage?” - Cindy
What a wonderful testimony!
The best suggestion I have is for the two of you to have dates, and go through the video series and LEARN workbooks for these two training modules:
- Hearing God’s Voice - so the Wonderful Counselor can counsel you
- Prayers That Heal the Heart - gets rid of the baggage one brings into a marriage
You would focus your journaling on questions such as: Lord, how can I better honor and cherish my partner?
Complete all the journaling exercises in the two training modules above. Share your journaling with each other. Pray for and encourage one another. This would probably be the best marriage counseling you can receive.
Watch this Prayers That Heal the Heart Training Module Free from June 6-15, 2020. Sign up here.
I would follow this all up with these courses to take your marriage completely over the top!
- Empowered by the Spirit – become baptized in the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8; 2:1-4)
- Counseled by God – restore faith, hope and love
- Hearing God Through Your Dreams – let God counsel you nightly
- Parenting By Grace – apply these principles to your children and to your spouse
- Unleashing Healing Power Through Spirit-Born Emotions – experience physical healing
- Take Charge of Your Health – Learn to care for your body, the temple of the Holy Spirit
- Everyday Angels – release angels to promote change and transformation
Any time the two of you felt you need a marriage counselor to assist, you could give a $50 donation to CWG ministries, and have me on a Skype or Zoom session with the two of you for 30 – 60 minutes.
The above suggested sequence of training modules is ideal for personal growth and marriage and pre-marriage counseling. I can guarantee that this series will enhance the quality of your personal life, and produce an enhanced marriage. Here are 500+ five star reviews from others who have experienced this training. Even if it takes you two years to get through it, would that not be a worthwhile investment, learning and growing together?
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