God Is Saying "It's Time to Say Something" by Denise Archer
God Is Saying "It's Time to Say Something" by Denise Archer
Appropriating the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus
Appropriating the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus
I cannot take my eyes off you - Journaling by Linda Garmon
I cannot take my eyes off you - Journaling by Linda Garmon
Angels Being Sent NOW to Fight For Our Freedom
Angels Being Sent NOW to Fight For Our Freedom By Rev. Peg Yarbrough
Be Encouraged Spiritual Intimacy Is Spreading & Bringing Revival
Be Encouraged - Spiritual Intimacy Is Spreading and Bringing Revival
Billy Graham Association is making their October Decision Magazi
Political positions compared
America, Be Still
The following Scripture is for America and the world. I am going to show you through Scripture...
Saturate USA with the Jesus Film - 120 MILLION HOMES BY 2027
Wow! Look what God is doing! Get involved in distributing the Jesus Film - at no cost
God heals the pain of abortion so we can minister His healing...
God heals the pain of abortion so we can minister His healing grace to others
Hearing the Savior’s Heartbeat – Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
Hearing the Savior’s Heartbeat – Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
Jesus Heals the Lies - Journaling by Mike Bastien
Jesus Heals the Lies - Journaling by Mike Bastien
A Prophetic Prayer to Pray Over the Nations
A Prophetic Prayer to Pray Over the Nations by Linda Burton
I Either LOVE the Truth or Am Under a Deluding Influence
I Either LOVE the Truth or Am Under a Deluding Influence
God Fights for Us! This Is Why the Righteous Win! So NEVER Fear!
God Fights for Us! This Is Why the Righteous Win! So NEVER Fear!
Transformation IS Occurring as We Arise Together and Declare...
Transformation IS Occurring as We Arise Together and Declare He IS Lord of ALL