Author: Mark Virkler
Sue and I just got back from a holiday in Cape Cod. On the way there, we visited the Norman Rockwell Museum in Stockbridge, Massachusetts.
Norman Rockwell was one of the most prolific artists of the 20th century, and his work has inspired many people. He said he wasn't an artist. He said he was an illustrator who told stories. I have always been fascinated by his ability to draw photo-realistic drawings. I've wondered how he did it. During this recent visit, I was able to examine up close his oil paintings and see how he actually painted his pictures. Visiting his studio had been on my bucket list for years, and this summer, I was able to check it off.
I Love Drawing
I started drawing at University. I was taking Systems Design Engineering, and instead of teaching us how to draft, they taught us how to draw since they felt that would be a better way for us to communicate. However, over the next 50 years, life got in the way of that passion. Recently, I picked it up again, and I did all the illustrations for my latest book, "The Challenge".
Visiting Norman Rockwell's studio really inspired me. He did not let his age limit his passions. He actually painted his last commission for the Boy Scouts when he was 82 years old. He died only a few years after that.
We also visited the Thornton Burgess Museum on this trip. This man was one of the most prolific children's book writers of the last century. Over his life, he wrote hundreds of books. He, too, practised his craft right up to the end of his life. Both of these men lived meaningful lives. They did not let their age or situation inhibit them.
Social Media Trap
It is amazing to see how many people, young and old, are limiting themselves to watching social media on their phones instead of interacting with the real world and enjoying new experiences. Our Heavenly Father wants us to live a life of freedom and joy, not be held captive to the social media trap. Not be driven by the never-ending notifications that draw you back to the social media app. We become like Pavlov's dog. Every time we hear the phone ding, we feel driven to find out what was sent to us. It is a trap.
A few years ago, I wrote a blog called Carpe Diem: Seize the Day, Today, Not Tomorrow. I had just been told that I could drop dead due to a heart issue. I faced the fact that life is short, so I decided to seize the day and share some of my experiences with others with the hope of inspiring them to do the same.
It has been a few years since I wrote that blog, and I am still here. I've made changes to my lifestyle, so there is a much lower likelihood of heart failure. In fact, I now face the fact that I might live much longer. My father is celebrating his 99th birthday this year. It made me think about what I am doing for the next 30 years and how I will make the most of my life during that time.
Living life to the fullest
Our Heavenly Father wants us to live life to the fullest. Let me read to you some of the promises that He has given us.
Life: "I have come that they may have life and have it to the full." John 10:10
Joy: "I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete". John 15:11
Peace: "I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33
Fulfillment: "Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart". Psalm 37:4
Prosper: "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
All we have to do to receive these five promises is to establish a relationship with Him, and He will share all these things with us. Now, we do have some responsibilities. We have to choose to act. We need to plan to do some of the things that we want to accomplish. We have to get off our phones and do them.
As I mentioned, I just came back from holiday. Here are some of the things that we did while we were camping in Cape Cod.
- Visited the Norman Rockwell Museum
- Visited the Thorton Burgess Museum
- Visited the JFK Museum
- Walked Provincetown
- Walked Hyannisport
- Went to several beaches
- Watched the sun go down at the beach
- Bicycled the Shining Sea Trail
- Bicycled the Cape Cod Trail
- Floated around on an inner tube at the campground lake
None of these things would have happened if we did not plan to do them and then act on our plan.
It's God's will that you live life to the fullest. He wants to bless the work of your hands and give you the desire of your hearts. But we have a responsibility when it comes to acquiring these promises. Here are some of the things I believe we need to do.
- Build a relationship with Him. If you don't know how to have a close relationship with your Heavenly Father, download and read How to Be Closer with God from my website.
- Talk and listen to your Heavenly Father. If you do not know how to hear God's voice, I encourage you to download and read How to Hear God's Voice from my website.
- Write down the things you want to do, achieve, and own on your bucket list.
- Ask your Heavenly Father to help you attain those things.
- Step out and start doing your bucket list.
- Turn off the notifications on your phone from your your social media apps.
The bucket list does not have to include expensive things, just things you want to achieve. For example, say you played an instrument when you were younger or wanted to play one. I encourage you to resurrect that activity and put that on your list. I play in a band every Friday morning with people who are well into their eighties. It is a joy to sing and play together. Say you want to walk each day. Put that on the list. What you write down and plan to do will get done. Here are a few examples on my current bucket list that might give you a few ideas.
- Love and do things with my wife daily
- Love my kids and grandchildren
- Plan and do things with my family
- Take more drawing and music lessons
- Publish monthly blogs
- Improve my guitar and other musical instrument skills
- Play in the Major 7th band
- Preach, teach, and coach the next generation
- Minimize how much time I spend on the phone looking at social media
- Travel to all the places on my bucket list
- Listen to my Heavenly Father daily
I encourage you to write out your bucket list and start checking them off. Don't let your age (young or old) limit your heart's desires. Be bold. Your Heavenly Father wants to give you the desires of your heart and build a relationship with you. He will help you do what you want to do. Just ask Him.
Toby Keith and Clint Eastwood were playing golf one day when Clint was in his late eighties. Toby asked Clint, "What are you doing tomorrow?" Clint said, "I'm making a movie. You can't let the old man in." Toby was intrigued by those words, and he wrote a song called "Don't Let the Old Man In" that I really love. Some of you may like to listen to it.
I went ziplining with my grandchildren yesterday. I choose not to let the old man in and live life to the fullest. I encourage you to do the same.
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