Author: Mark Virkler
Linda - Lord, as I read your Word this morning, multiple Scriptures were leaping off the page at me, like popcorn when the kernels begin to pop, one, then two, then too many to count. I love you, Lord, show me what You want me to see, and please make these Words alive in my life.
Vision - I see a puzzle on my puzzle table. It is not complete yet but what I see so far makes me want to see the completed puzzle. I have no reference picture to show what it will look like when all the pieces are in place, so this puzzle is a mystery. Loose pieces are all around this unfinished puzzle. (But, somehow I know inside that none are missing). I hear the Lord whisper in my ear, “Linda, I just love working on puzzles with you.”
Jesus continues speaking - Beloved one, you cannot work on this puzzle on your own, because we are meant to do it together. Your part will be for you to continually look at Me because I am your reference picture. You will need to trust Me, beloved, keeping your eyes on Me as you place each precious piece of your puzzle in My hands so that I can fit them in their proper place. We will continue to work on this puzzle throughout your life. Then, when I finally position the last piece in place I will hold up this amazing image of the one I call “beloved.” An image that was transformed, becoming more beautiful, and more and more glorious while she looked at Me.
Linda, do you remember the day you stood in your backyard, and you told me, “Lord, my life is a broken, messed up pile of garbage, and I don’t know how to fix myself… please help me.” It has been My joy to take each one of those pieces from your hand and change them into something beautiful, for in Me, you are made complete.
Linda - Lord, thank you. I love you. Thank you so much!
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