Author: Mark Virkler
Lord, what would You speak to me?
Mark, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father except by Me. It is time to re-introduce this to your people.
The ONLY way to the Father is through Jesus
Some feel there are different ways to the Father. There is ONE way to the Father, it is through Me, the Lord Jesus Christ. Everyone is given the chance to see Me, to feel Me, to experience Me, and to respond to Me. Those who choose to reject My presence, My love and My sacrifice will unfortunately experience pain and suffering. I went through pain and suffering to bring My children back into a relationship with My Father.
I gave the gift of life and truth and hope to the world and I placed within them a love for the truth. That is My Spirit which calls them unto truth and reveals truth to them and gives them a love for the truth. Those who refuse to accept this love for the truth are perverted and self-centered. They are not willing to give up their lives for the truth as I did. They are unwilling to suffer loss for the truth as I did. Thus they are unable to gain life that replaces death as I did.
Lift up the name of Jesus
As you hold up My name as a shining light, I draw all men unto Me. Lift up the name of Jesus! Hold high the name of Jesus in all your conversations and many will be drawn to Me. I am the magnet for all of the truth. My name is lifted higher than any other name. My name is the name above all other names. My glory is revealed along with My name. Lift up the name of Jesus. Lift high the name of Jesus! Extol the name of Jesus. Behold I have spoken. Behold it is to be done.
My name brings life. My name brings freedom. My name brings love and liberty. Apart from My name, the name of Jesus, there is no life. So lift high the name of Jesus. Lift high the name of Jesus. Lift high the name of Jesus!
That is why I have commanded that the Lord's name not be taken in vain, and yet men take My name in vain. Do they take the name in vain of any lesser god, any god of deception? Do they take the name of Buddha in vain? Do they take the name of Muhammad in vain? No, they take the name of Jesus in vain. Why? Why is My name singled out and taken in vain, and others are not? It is because I AM the true and living God. I am the ONE Who is to be worshipped. Therefore, they take My name in vain. Is this not proof and evidence that I alone am the God of the world and My name is special and above all other names? Yes, this is a huge evidence of that fact.
So lift My name high as you speak to others. It is My name that has power and attracts others unto Me. They are hungry for the name of Jesus and for the life that Jesus offers. I offer it immediately to all who call upon My name. So lift My name high, and again I say, lift My name high!
Behold I have spoken. Behold it is to be done.
Decision: Yes, Lord. I choose to lift up and exult Your name at all times and in all that I do!
- Salvation prayer: How to be born of the Spirit
- Scriptures to meditate on: John 3:16; John 14:6; John 12:32; Philippians 2:9-11; Matthew 16:24; James 4:10; Ephesians 2:8-9
- Song: I Speak JESUS!
Journaling application
- Lord, how would You have me lift up Your name?
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