Heavenly encounters
Understanding prophesy
We didn’t choose to live in the season we are in. In spite of the challenges we are now facing,...
New Book by Sharon Hermitt on Healed from Rape by God's Grace, Revelation and Power
Receive Wonderful Counsel from the Wonderful Counselor
New Creation Celebration - Putting on Christ
What Is the Truth?
What 365 Biblical References to Angels Reveal
move and minister from a foundation of genuine love and humility, earnestly desire the best...
Is There Anything Better Than the Standard Devotional Time We Have All Been Taught?
Warrior Angels Fighting for Us
If God did not reveal Himself to us, we would never know Him at all. He is the self-revealing...
Twenty Stories of How People Received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit
The Time is Now for Oregon Prophecies to be Fulfilled - Blog By Patty Sadallah
Two way journaling
Ways Angels Minister to Us by Charity Kayembe
Two Way Journaling
Two-way journaling
"Come, my beloved, let us GO forth into the field; let us lodge in the villages. . . there...
How Do I Gently Correct Someone Who Receives Wrong Journaling?
I Really Want to be Part of a Small Group that Is ANOINTED and LIFE-GIVING!
two-way journaling church wide
In the very near future, there's coming a time when the glory of God will come into...
I will illuminate your eyes, and teach you the principles of My ways, that you may walk in My...