Obama Prophecy and Prayer

Prophetic Word from Wendy Alec – November 12th 2012:

I sensed the Lord saying: It is time to stop. It is time for a complete turnaround of my people. It is time to pray.

And as my people, as my church, rises up across the nation and the nations of this world to pray –

Pray fervently for President Obama; pray fervently for the government; pray fervently for the White House

That we will see in the land of the living –

That we will see a change in the direction of the White House –

That we will see a change – a transformation even of policies –

And it will be My Hand that has wrought this change says the Lord

For my hand has been restrained, says the Lord – My Hand has been restrained because of the disobedience of my people –

For there have been many prayers that have risen up to my throne but there has been prayerlessness for this government

For I tell you, beloved son, beloved daughter that as you arise in prayer for this government – as you arise in prayer for this President – for this husband; for this father of children, for this President of the nation of America –

That my hand shall once again be loosed to move upon the White House – upon the government – upon the President – in power – in glory and in might

And as you lift up your voice in the day and as you lift up your voice in the night hour before my throne and pray for wisdom for this man –

I tell you that even in an instant – I shall release wisdom –

Even in an instant I shall release revelation –

Even in an instant – his eyes shall be opened to things in the natural and things in the spirit realm that he has been previously blinded to –

And I shall pour out My Spirit upon the White House –

And I shall pour out My Spirit upon Congress

And I shall pour out My Spirit upon the President, and I shall pour out My Spirit upon this government – and shall pour out My Spirit upon this Congress, and there shall begin to come a softening – and the great divides shall start to dissolve –

And one by one, there shall come a working together across the aisles – across the differences – across the issues – and My Spirit shall move at first in individuals – in one man – then in one woman –

Then another, and another, and there shall be within the walls of Congress a spirit of reconciliation – a spirit of working together – and the walls of division shall start to fall – for there has been a stalemate in the spirit says the Lord – but no more

For there shall begin a healing of rifts says the Lord

A healing of rifts

A healing of rifts between the Republicans and the Democrats

A healing of rifts that shall extend even from the Congress to Israel

For there shall even be a healing of rifts between President Barack Obama and President Benjamin Netanyahu

And the spirit of Jezebel shall be rooted out of the White House –

It shall be rooted out of the Congress

For I shall tear down and root out –

And even certain men and certain women shall be removed from their positions

They shall be removed –

And there shall even be removals from a high place – a place of great authority

And in their place I shall position those chosen and appointed by my own hand

There will be Cyrus’ whose hands I shall use

And there will be Marys who hear my voice and who seek my face –

But Lord how can that be?

It shall be – says the Lord of Hosts – for child I am neither Republican nor Democrat – I am God, says the Lord of Hosts.

Is a man’s heart not in my hands?

Have I not said that that I move the heart of kings?

So I wait for you beloved son –

I wait for you my beloved daughter –

Come rend your garments – come dry your tears and bring your supplications for this President –for this government before my throne –

And it shall be – that even in a moment –

Even in a day –

You shall start to see things shift and change –

People removed – people replaced –

And I shall pour out wisdom in the night hour upon Barack Obama –

And he shall hear a voice saying this is the way – walk ye in it

And it shall be my voice says the Lord

And I shall put a hook in his nose to Israel

And I shall water the stony heart and I shall wash his eyes with my salve –the salve of my Holy Spirit

And I will break the bonds of intimidation from this President

For is it not that same spirit of Jezebel that has surely paralyzed his hands in this past term

That has kept his eyes from seeing

That has stopped his ears from hearing

But no more says the Lord of hosts no more shall it be

For I shall raise him as a champion of the poor in this next term

And yes – he shall raise his voice as a champion for the poor and the weak and the helpless

And this is not of himself but it shall be of me

And he shall champion the poor

He shall champion education

He shall champion the common man

And I shall bring to him men and women after my own heart who shall speak to him of things that hold great weight with me

And he shall think deeply on these things

And he shall ponder them in his heart

And there shall be many issues that he shall quietly address that may go unnoticed by the public

But they will not be unnoticed by me

And I will place a steel rod at his back

And he shall start to stand firm – and I shall grant him wisdom concerning economic issues

And yes there will be naysayers

And yes there will be opponents

But as my people – but as my church bring him faithfully before me

I will grant him wisdom to deal with the Middle East

I will grant him wisdom to deal with Israel

And I will send my prophets

My prophets will speak a word to him in season concerning my people Israel

And I will grant him wisdom concerning Israel – wisdom concerning Jerusalem, wisdom concerning Iran

Wisdom concerning Afghanistan

Wisdom regarding China

And a new mantle shall rest upon him in this term

A new mantle

A mantle of wisdom; a mantle of power; a mantle of strength

For it will be a new day

And many, many across America will say – is this the same man? How can it be?

And I tell you - it shall be because I am God -

Prayer for President Barack Obama and the government of the United States

Beloved son – beloved daughter – I feel that the Lord says that he has been grieved, much grieved at the voices of criticism that have risen up from his own people – from his own church these past years – from those across the United States that he has raised up to intercede and stand in the gap for America.

That the Father, Himself is now urging all of us who may have criticised, spoken words that were not beneficial over the President to do a hundred percent turnaround.

To repent of our attitudes – justified as many feel they are, and to get down on our knees, ask for forgiveness and start to earnestly pray.

Prayer for the President of the United States

Father we come before you and humble ourselves under your mighty hand.

We ask your forgiveness for every negative and idle word spoken from our lips against our President – President Barack Obama.

Oh father, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for all men, we release your will over the government and across the United States of America

Father in the mighty name of Jesus – we bring President Barack Obama before your throne.

Oh almighty Father, we earnestly ask you for his salvation, that he may come to a vital, living knowledge, to a vital living understanding of you as his living God and as Jesus Christ his Lord and saviour.

We earnestly ask that you would endow him with wisdom in the mighty name of Jesus.

That he would be led even as Moses, even as King David.

That he would hear your voice ring out to his heart and mind – this is the way – walk ye in it.

We release wisdom to President Barack Obama.

We release the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Father, use him father. Use his hands to sign what you would have signed.

Use his voice to speak what you would have spoken.

>Use his eyes to see what you would have seen.

And in the mighty name of Jesus Christ – we break every hold of Jezebel over the White House.

President Obama – we speak to you in the name of Jesus and we free you this day from Jezebel’s clutches.

President Obama - where you have been bound – we cry freedom.

Where your ears have been stopped – we cry open.

Where your hands have been bound – we cry – a severing of the chains – we sever the shackles of intimidation.

We break off all Jezebelic deceptions –

We cut off ungodly advisers –

We remove all ungodly tentacles from your shoulders

We call forth Godly men –

Godly women by your side – day and night –

We call forth day and night prayer for you across the United States and the world.

Prayer arising even from the capital itself.

We call forth wisdom concerning Iran.

We call forth wisdom concerning Israel.

We call forth wisdom concerning Syria.

We call forth wisdom concerning the economic situation.

We call forth wisdom concerning the issues of the day.

We call forth a new mantle of strength.

A new mantle of wisdom.

A new mantle of revelation.

That you would bow your knee in the night hour and hear from the living God.

Father, we place President Barack Obama in your hands, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

May your kingdom come in the White House.

May your will be done in the White House.

In the name of Jesus Christ, your son, amen.

Prophetic Word by Wendy Alec – Eye of the Storm, Elections, Economic Collapse (October 2008)

Prophetic Word by Wendy Alec – Benjamin Netanyahu (June 2008)

1 Timothy 2

New King James Version (NKJV)

Pray for All Men

2 Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, 2 for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.