I'm So Afraid - Please Give Me a Box of Rules So I Can Be Safe!
Texas, rise up and take your place among the nations, I have separated you out to be a sign and...
Two-way journaling
We must go back into the past to be released into the future. Most of you know of or have...
two-way journaling
The Spiritual Battleground: Our Minds and Hearts
God has His eye is on Asia in this hour. The church in Asia is rising up as a mighty force of...
The Child of God is instructed to renew their natural mind to the Word of God. A natural mind...
From the book: Seed Truths-From Genesis to Revelation
You must distinguish between the truths of God and the facts of your existence and choose to...
Water Baptism
God Wants to Be Your Father: The parable of two sons.
The following Scripture is for America and the world. I am going to show you through Scripture...
Bring revival
The Best Way to Change Society Is to ...
Hearing God through your dreams
prophetic warfare to save our nation
A New Day Dawns as the Morning Star ARISES in Our Hearts
Is the path of the wicked all that good?
Instantaneous Miracles & Process Healing
Malachi’s Recorder Angels
How Does the Bible Say Truth Is Discovered?
Embrace the Beauty in Imperfection – Journaling by Nancy Yargus
Beloved of God – A Valentine’s Meditation
National Day of Prayer and Repentance Sept. 26, 2020