Author: Mark Virkler
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As I turned from being focused on theology to being focused on story, I soon recognized that the heart of the story is God touching our lives. In the Garden of Eden, He touched by walking with Adam and Eve in the Garden in the cool of the day. When Jesus taught, He touched by laying on hands and healing as He ministered in the streets. In revivalist healing crusades, it is the touch of the Holy Spirit that draws the soul to Christ and heals and transforms the body. So it is time for me to add to any theologically-focused teaching the opportunity for people to encounter Jesus directly by being touched by Him.
Is that not what the Toronto blessing is all about – being touched by the Holy Spirit? Is this not what Kathryn Kuhlman's and Oral Robert's healing services were all about? Is the same not true concerning John Wimber's, Bill Johnson's, Billy Graham's and Reinhard Bonnke's meetings, along with so many others which I could mention?
It is time we change our focus from studies about God to encounters with God! We do this by walking and living by the Spirit (Galatians 5:25). This provides continuous ongoing encounter with our Heavenly Father. Not thinking aboutHim, but encountering Him. Remember, this is the COMMANDED LIFESTYLE, to live and walk by the Spirit. This is the way we are to live. This is the heavenly design. All else is a dead work (Hebrews 6:1,2).
The following is journaling by Malachi Talabi:
In stillness this morning I saw this inner vision.
I saw a wild beast running towards Jesus. The beast was trying to bite Him. Jesus put His scepter into its mouth, between its teeth, and then started stroking the beast. The beast transformed into a sheep; then as Jesus continued to stroke the sheep, the sheep transformed into Jesus!
You are the beast - you are the sheep - you are being transformed into my image as you are touched by me. Run to me in any state that you are, with any issue that you have. Come to my throne of grace with boldness, for what I have shown you is beauty and the beast.
The truth is, I see the beauty IN the beast! There are soooo many things that my people see that is beastly about themselves but I see the beauty IN the beast! I transform you as I touch you.
The woman with the issue of blood touched me! Just by being in touch with me you are led into transformation. Transformation comes from touching; touch me and allow me to touch you and this contact will transform your very DNA.
This is what the woman with the issue of blood received - a touch at DNA level. The issues in her blood were not just period pains - they represent her nature! Her DNA, the fabric of her being. You see, she touched my fabric (garment) and it changed her fabric (what she was made of). The fabric of her being. The issue also represents generational curses she had, issues IN her blood, things that were handed down in her blood line. Touching me dealt with these issues.
Are you enjoying this? I can tell!!!! As you spend time with me you’ll understand great mysteries!
You are transformed by what you touch and what touches you. Anything you have constant contact with will eventually transform you! You can see that this is a picture of laying on of hands. I touched many people and if they stayed in touch with me then they would move from healing of their body to a transformation of their being.
Now you see why it’s important to stay in touch with me because you are transformed by what you touch and what touches you. People are afraid because they think I see the beast so they won’t come to me. They try to deal with the beast themselves. But I don’t see the beast - I see the beauty in the beast. And if you can harness your prophetic eyes, not only will you be transformed but you’ll also start to see the beauty in the beasts inside of you and the beauty in the “beasts” around you. Come boldly to my throne and let me touch you (Hebrews 4:16).
Here are 60 ways Jesus can TOUCH YOU as you pray
May His ongoing touchtransform your life!
May you shift from “studies about God” to “encounters with God”
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