Author: Mark Virkler
LaWanda – ♪♪ Jesus, Jesus, how I love you, How I’ve proved you o’er and o’er. Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus, O for grace to love you more. ♪♪ O yes, Lord, I HAVE proved you over and over and over. I praise you, Lord, that you are a covenant-keeping God who does not change and cannot lie. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus.

Lord, what do you want to say to me today? I know you love me. I know you see me through the eyes of the Cross. What else do you want me to know today?
Jesus – O my dear LaWanda, my precious LaWanda with a capital “W,” can I tell you again how very much I love you? Can I tell you that my death on the Cross provided everything you will EVER need? Do you need provision?? Ask me as Jehovah Jireh to provide and surely I will. Do you need peace? Ask me as Jehovah Shalom and you will realize that I gave it to you 2000 years ago as I ascended into heaven. Are you feeling weak in your walk with me? Know that I am most powerful in your weakness. It's by design, dear one, for you would not need to depend on me if you could do it all yourself.
Is this enough for you today? My love, My peace, My provision and My strength. Yes, it IS enough but there is one thing more I want you to be sure that you know in the depths of you. You may not need it today, but there may come a time when you do. Or, you may just need to know it so you can share it with someone Holy Spirit brings your way. Here it is:
There is nothing – NO THING – that you could EVER do that would separate you from My love. You may see yourself as distanced from Me but that does not make it so. I have not gone anywhere. Changing you mind about where you are is all that it takes to remove the perceived distance. Draw near to me and I will ALWAYS draw near to you. Turn back to me, dear one, and in that moment your eyes and your heart are opened to see what always has been…A loving Father waiting for his child to return. Remember this truth, dear one, for yourself or for someone else who is hurting. I am always here…waiting for you to come home.
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